26 February, 2020


Daniel says don't go bald

sign board seen on main street in dungloe

the other side

a sign that the weather is still unpredictable.
photo taken yesterday at noon in donegal town

bus window shot on the way home
a crazy weather day indeed!

see more signs HERE


  1. Ha Bill, Mooi stadje en mooie omgeving, Ja het is weer uitkijken met de gladheid op de wegen. Hier heeft het gisteren avond en vannacht ook gesneeuwd, maar het is nu alweer weg, vandaag worden er ook nog buien verwacht met hagel of natte sneeuw.
    Groet kees. Fijn dat je er weer bij bent.

  2. You certainly don't want to "go bald" when the roads are like that. A hot coffee and some live music would be welcome in that weather though.

  3. Now I know ... you sent snow to Holland! Just kidding!
    Have a nice day, Bill!

  4. I don't get it what has bald to do with tires.

    1. Bald tires have no thread on them and are not safe. I guess it is an attempt at humour by saying don't go bald. :)

  5. The weather is terrible at the moment....is it a sign?

  6. Everyday I need my coffee. I can't go without it. \̅_̅/̷̚ʾ

  7. Hello,
    Good tires and coffee, they are a must! You can keep the snow, I do not like it. :) Enjoy your day, wishing you a great week ahead.

  8. It is a world class sin to run out of coffee!

  9. Love the sign for bald tires, I get it.
    That is a nice view, the last photo.
    Not into coffee really, do have a cup of it once in while, rather tea.

  10. Great signs. The balding sign is my favourite!

  11. You seem to live in a quiet peaceful town! Nice signs and weather capture

  12. Great signs. : ))
    That looks like a beautiful city.

  13. You're back! I love that second to the last picture! It is beautiful here today...in the 60s and sunny! But tomorrow changes back to cold...yuck!

  14. Great start to your newer sights...I like the bus window one, shows just what the terrain is like.

  15. That is horrible weather, Bill. Like the signs though.
    I can't link to Tom's Inlinkz site either.

  16. I am so glad to see you back on line! It sounds like you've been experiencing some bad weather since your move. I hope it gets better soon. I love the photos in this post, especially the last one. What a great view.

  17. Oh my gosh looks cold Bill, totally the opposite to my too hot weather 😊

  18. The signs are so fun. The weather looks cold but you got some great pictures of it.

  19. Some fun signs! :) Seems like every where has been having up and down and unpredictable weather!

  20. ...sorry Daniel I go bald everyday. Driving on that hill does not look like fun! Thanks Bill for sharing.

  21. You have some interesting signs in your new town but some terrible weather.

  22. Beautiful header!

    I am so glad you have settled Down now!Looks like a great city!
    Hope you will tell us more about it

    Very Nice shoots!
    Greetings Anita

  23. Stay out of the rain and "don't go bald"---haha

  24. Looks like some serious winter weather. Love the coffee shop signs. Stay warm and dry.

  25. Loved the signs, and you sure did experience some crazy weather!
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  26. Great signs. They all made me laugh. I don't like the look of that snowy / icy weather you got. I like your new blog header image.

  27. So there is your snow!

    "Don't go bald"!?

  28. Don't go bald, especially with the kind of weather you're experiencing. It looks miserable. (Great signs!)

  29. Daniel is a good man! How often do I see how people try to park and half a tyre is on the pavement, carrying the weight of the car.
    And likely some time on the road: BOOM the tyre goes.

    I regret I don´t like coffee no more. Guess I have to give it another chance!
    Yes to music!!! And to snowy rain!!! We had that here yesterday, too! Nothing left, luckily it was too warm.
    Have a nice day, Bill!
