29 February, 2020

saturday critters

We saw these cuties when we were walking to find the recycle centre.

This sheep wanted to have a staring contest.  I tried and the sheep won. :)

this beauty greeted us when we passed his bed and breakfast.  Very friendly and quite comfortable with three legs.

one curious donkey, the others were more interested in eating.

we thought this goose was a lawn ornament until the head moved a bit.  When we headed back from recyling, the goose was still sitting there.  Maybe it was goose meditation. :)

see other critters HERE


  1. Good morning!
    What a pleasure to see all this beautiful critters!
    Have a great weekend, Bill!

  2. Sheep always stand and stare, donkeys on the can take you or leave you

  3. You caught some pretty critters there, I would swear too the swan was not real!

  4. That must be a pretty walk with so much lovely creatures around. Have a nice weekend.

  5. Hello, these are all wonderful critters. I love the beautiful collie, so glad it is doing well. The goose and the donkeys are so cute. I love the staring sheep. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.

  6. Bill, you need to change your name to Doctor Dolittle. ;-)

  7. Are you sure you haven't moved into a children's zoo? Delightful company.

  8. Goodmorning from Corona Norway!!

    Hah hah what some good shoots!!I love them all!But what With the Three legged dog!!What happened?Can it walk ??Poor little thing!
    The Goose are beautiful--our new (overhere) neighbours usually hunt them and have them for dinner at my Place lol

    Hope to see more post ,it is soo good to smile and have some happy times

    All good to you and Family:)))

  9. These are all beautiful animal pictures!
    Have a good weekend, Elke

  10. Those donkeys look no bigger than a large dog, and in response to Revrunner above, God had nothing to do with it.

  11. Wonderful assortment of photos Bill. That goose did look like a statue. The donkeys and the sheep look like they still have their Winter coats on. That collie is beautiful. I'm glad he/she has adapted to having only 3 legs.

    I was just thinking it's probably time for cruise ships to start arriving in Ireland for the tourist season, but then I wondered if the coronavirus (covid19) will adversely affect the number of people who decide whether or not to travel.

  12. Thanks for pausing to capture these enjoyable photos of critters. And I haven't seen anything like most of these in quite a while. Rick Steves (of US Travelogues on TV) just posted on his blog about traveling through Europe with the outbreak of the coronovirus. He has guidelines to be safe, but plans to travel to Turkey in April himself. I've friends going to Ireland soon! Hope everyone is safe of course, but I think the economy of tourism may suffer.

  13. ...those sure are tiny donkeys, cute!

  14. Sheep can be very curious critters. Your new area has lots of rural aspects.

  15. You encountered a fine collection of critters on your walk. That dog looks sweet, and the sheep looks curious.

  16. They're all so cute. You were able to see quite the variety of animal.

  17. You found quite a lot of critters to enjoy along the way. That makes the walk a lot more fun.

  18. You don't see too many Collies these days especially ones with only 3 legs! You are getting to know your new neighbors, Bill! ;-)

  19. Love your header and all of those wonderful critters.
    Welcome back Bill ☕

  20. That's some stare the sheep has. It is amazing to see a dog walking on three legs!!

  21. The staring contest made me laugh 😁. Now he is staring at us forever through your photo!

  22. I like them all. Fun shots!

  23. Sheep are the cutest!! We had "conversations" with them when Hubby still lived in the village with his Granma!
    We took a stroll and baah-ed along, it was fun (I cannot really say "interesting" as I don´t speak "bahhh", but both sides turned smiling :-)...).

    Cute doggie. Guess he cannot count hence it does not matter (no joke - you have what you have, right).

    A nice early morning to you, Bill!

  24. Nice photos, beautiful photo. A nice walk on saturday.

  25. Great critter photos! I want to hug that dog!

  26. I love all your critters Bill, you gave each one of them such a fun character 😊

  27. Three legged dogs appear to manage pretty well. Great critter captures!

  28. Interesting critters shoot on your way! The beautiful dog make feel touching. Great staring from the sheep.

  29. Beautiful photos.
    I think the sheep really wanted a little talk and attention.

  30. What a beautiful dog and it looks like he loves to get a pet.

  31. Four wonderful photographs Bill.

    All the best Jan
