29 September, 2019

hanging laundry

not many days left to dry laundry outside.


  1. Hi Bill.

    Always nice when the laundry can blow outside.

    Greeting from Patricia.

  2. In some places in the UK you are not allowed to hang laundry if it is seen from the street. So I hang out the tumble dryer out instead, next to the washing machine and the oven. Need a strong rope for this though.

    God bless.

  3. Beautiful photos. A memory of my youth, I remember a similar situation at home when I was a kid (more or less 55 years ago).

  4. Today it is a rainy day, not a day to hang laundry outside. Nice photos.

  5. Looks like many people took advantage while they could.

  6. And I just saw where H. Lorenzo may be headed your way!

  7. A good subject for photography especially with backlight. Could be a meme. Good one Bill.

  8. Hello, I do love my clothes dryer. It is convenient and in the house. Enjoy your Sunday, wishing you a happy new week!

  9. The summer was good for dry wash, but now....it is all rain here...

  10. It’s the same here! Those drying days are soon over!

  11. ...here the Amish do it all year long.

  12. So much better to hang clothes outside (if at all possible).

  13. It’s not one of those days for us here. Rain! 😌

  14. Since I don't even own a dryer my clothes get hung outside pretty much all year.
    For those days I just can't they dry inside on a drying rack.
    I love to see clothes blowing in the breeze on the line.

  15. There is something very picturesque about laundry on the line. I remember on my first trip to Italy, I took several photos of laundry hanging out.

  16. Is there a house to go with the first pic or are those clothes belonging to a wanderer? 5 of the same shirts. I really like that picture. Happy Sunday Bill

    1. Yes, there was a house on the right but I decided to leave it out.

  17. When I was a kid, everybody hung their laundry outside. It was not smart for us kids to get anywhere near it, except if a sudden rain popped up, then it was all hands on deck to bring it in.

  18. My mom used to hang the laundry out when I was a kid but I don't see that around where I live.

  19. Not here in whitebread land. We live right under the flight path of the biggest jets, and they do dumpt stuff out no matter what they say.

  20. Our weather here is shocking at the moment. Any clothes hung out in the garden would surely fly off down the road as we've had so much wind and rain here in Mid Wales this weekend, and it's looking like we're in for more.

  21. Many years ago my mum would hang them out all winter and we would have frozen clothes. it was such a funny thing to a kid!

  22. Quite true.

    Here it's clear today, but relatively cool.

  23. I very rarely have to dry washing indoors, though I do become rather addicted to weather forecasts to manage this feat.

  24. We’ve reached that season here as of yesterday, when it poured down the wet stuff. . (Not that I personally took advantage of drying weather when it was here.).... One of my favorite ever pics from our travels is one of laundry drying on a balcony at the Tower of London (in the back, where the Guards live).

  25. Sundried clothes have a crispness that machine dried dont.

  26. A lovely sight Bill, like John above I rarely have to dry clothes inside ✨

  27. I see someone's work shirts drying in that first shot. Your "not many days left" makes me happy we have a clothes dryer.

  28. In my country too much rain to do it outside :)

  29. I have hung so much laundry outside over my decades. Give me a dryer anytime.

  30. Bill - this is something that I should start doing in the summer - save the world a little bit of energy!

  31. love this scene ... nice blog.
