04 November, 2018


taken from the bus window going through Ballyshannon.  Slevins Department Store is a 3rd generation family run business in the heart of Ballyshannon.


  1. Not many family run Department Stores in the UK.

    God bless.

  2. Mueseum and Coffee Shop too . . .
    and you didn’t stop?

  3. Long may they thrive. All those in Cambridge have been swallowed up by larger companies.

  4. Glad to see you still have such a family departmentstore. Here such a simular one we had has gone helas.

  5. Wonder what the museum is showing.

  6. ...department stores like this are a distant memory here!

  7. Hello Bill.
    Glad there are some family Department stores in Ireland.
    Here there all closed because of the large companies.
    Beautiful B/W photo! Enjoy your day!

  8. Hi Bill.

    Beautiful if companies in the family continue to exist.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  9. Hello, it is great to have a family run business. They have so much competition in the US. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day. Have a great new week ahead!

  10. There are not many family run department stores left in today's world.

  11. And with a Museum and coffee shop. It looks like they are doing great----good for them

  12. The Slevin family are obviously doing something very right Bill ✨

  13. So Ballyshannon must be a place where there's no land for the big box stores. The big stores drive out the independents.

  14. Let's all hope it continues for 3 more generations!

  15. I do like to hear of family run businesses that are still going strong …
    Nice photograph.

    All the best Jan

  16. Are the museum and coffee shop part of the Department store? I would rather spend my time in either or both of those than the shopping part ))

  17. Nice image. Is the store very popular for people to shop in?

  18. Three generations! How nice! It looks very different from a U.S. department store. I'd be happy to explore here.

  19. A brilliant monochrome. Everything about the photograph is perfect!

  20. It used to be that you'd find lots of family-run department stores in small towns in the U.S. But they've gone the way of so many things and Walmart is responsible in many cases. So good to see this in Ireland and I'll bet it's a very popular store especially with a museum and coffee shop attached. Thanks for sharing this most interesting post.

  21. Thanks for sharing that information, Bill. I really appreciate it as it gives me a greater appreciation for your situation and your place in the world. I can see why you enjoy it for small towns provide a special kind of lifestyle which is great in so many ways. It's rather like having a large family and I'm sure you get to the point where a number of people have your back in case of difficulties or emergencies. You did get out in time but the orange monster's read is global and the entire world is going to end up damaged by his incompetence and ignorance and meanness. Hang in there. I enjoy your blog immensely!

  22. The store looked rather desolate in the photo Bill, but it may just have been the day, weather or lack of people around. Is this an all purpose department store and what items are found within.

  23. I would definitely like to wander around that department store!
