03 September, 2018

The Basking Shark

was on display at the Hooked Seafood Festival this past Saturday.  It was made by Ciara O'Boyle and Deirdre McGuinness with help from Jackie Byrne, the Drop In Centre group and the Killybegs Men's Shed.
Info courtesy of Killybegsonline

The plastic in the shark's mouth was collected from Fintra beach and surrounding coves and aims to highlight the issues of pollution, littering and the importance of recycling.  Truly a sad reminder of what we, as a species, are doing to the planet.


  1. Hi Bill.

    It is terrible how much waste we dump as humans.
    Wherever we think it can.
    But major impact on land, water and animals.
    And for us, only we are so stupid that we simply do not want to see it and let it happen.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  2. We are destroying our own environment. We are a plague. A good pandemic is needed to wipe out nine tenths of us.

  3. A confronting piece of art. People should think more about this mess they are creating all over the world.

  4. A grim reminder what we are getting.

  5. That a good piece of art - shame that the raw materials are such as they are.

    Cheers - Stewart M, Melbourne

  6. A stark reminder of one of the horrors of our modern societies' mindless consumption of products. We can demand different packaging of products plus reject those that will pollute the seas and land.

  7. Ciara O'Boyle has created artwork that should remind everyone that the oceans need some Tender Loving Care.

  8. Very true and this is a great reminding sculpture how the earth is polluted and animals are killed by feeding on plastic litters, on land and sea. Nice work on shark!

  9. ...what things that can be made with junk.

  10. It is a bit sad. But also cool art :-)

    1. A bit sad? A BIT sad? It is nothing short of catastrophic.

  11. Excellent YET A VERY SAD visual . . .
    Yesterday, as I was driving away from the grocery store,
    I saw a man “fling his cigarette” onto the ground/store front . . .
    How careless, rude, gross, lazy . . .
    dangerous too, when one thinks of how wild fires might begin.
    It has “played across my mind” since!

  12. It's a brilliant piece of thought provoking art Bill, we really are a sad lot the way we treat the world 😱

  13. Hello, the pollution found in our oceans is just horrible. It is sad! The shark art is a great message. Happy Monday, have a great new week ahead!

  14. Brilliant work of art and a timely reminder. Plastic bags are now banned in Mumbai.

  15. There is some realization of the mess we're making but very little effort to stop the mess or clean it up.

  16. Horrible with all the plastic in the oceans.

  17. That's a very meaningful sculpture! And, sad to think of all the waste we are piling on this land (and sea) of ours.

  18. What a good way to get the message across, Bill!

  19. Isn’t this awful! I mean not the ssculpture of course, but the reason the graphic reminder is needed. Same, or worse, over here sad to say.

  20. "The plastic in the shark's mouth was collected from Fintra beach and surrounding coves and aims to highlight the issues of pollution, littering and the importance of recycling. Truly a sad reminder of what we, as a species, are doing to the planet."

    I couldn't agree more Bill.
    Our planet deserves better treatment, when will we learn!
    I know many of us do do the right thing but so many still don't.
    It makes me so angry and sometimes a little sad.

    Great pictures

    All the best Jan

  21. Great idea...and terrific visual. Hope the message sinks in with people.

  22. Wow. A great artistic commentary on a problem that sadly exists everywhere. Even in my little lake town the crap people throw in the lake or leave on the beach is disgusting.

  23. The issue of plastic waste in the oceans is getting a lot of very needed attention. It is awful what we are doing to the seas.
