19 September, 2018

McGettigan and Sons

We went past this closed butcher shop (closed in 2017) and these signs were on the shop windows.  You see these old shops shutting down because they can't compete.  It's a sad story that is happening everywhere.

One of Donegal’s best-known businesses is set to close as a result of falling sales, more than half a century after it opened.  M McGettigan & Sons butchers is a landmark in Donegal town, where it has traded since 1952. The store was even visited by Prince Charles last year, who was eager to sample the sausages that were named as the best in Europe in 2012.
The shop employs seven people and is run by brothers Ernan and Diarmuid McGettigan, who took over from their father in 1980.
However, the butchers have struggled to compete with low-cost rivals and has now been forced to close as sales fell.
“Small businesses are being interfered with by them and we’re the next ones that have to go. Our father started the business, which is the hardest part about this. We’ve tried everything, we’ve cut costs as much as we can.”
Info courtesy of the journal.ie

some headlines through the years

to see other signs around the globe CLICK HERE


  1. It is sad, Bill, when shops close and cannot compete with supermarkets. Some High Streets are like ghost towns with shops closed. Now even supermarkets cannot compete with the internet.

    God bless.

  2. Its a pity indeed but it happens everywhere. Unlucky progress in the development of social community.

  3. It makes me so sad to see all those special shops closing. It is indeed the same everywhere.

  4. With increased numbers of vegetarians and vegans more butcher ‘s shops will be closing.

  5. We lose a sense of community when these shops close!

  6. Hello, it is very sad that the Butcher Shop closed after 65 years. I am sure it will be missed by the community. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  7. ...good things don't last forever, sad!

  8. That's a sad story. The same is happening to my small town, especially now there is a Walmart. And a new posh grocery supermarket is set to open by the end of the year selling all sorts of high end goods.... but sadly, I'm sure they won't be selling Irish sausages fit for a future king!!!!

  9. Very sad indeed. Mom and Pop places used to be a way of keeping up on the latest neighborhood gossip and news. In this case, you would know what you were buying for you and your family to consume 💮

  10. Hello Bill.
    It’s so sad that this famous Butcher closed after all those years.
    It happens here too.You can see many shops closed.
    Have a happy Wednesday.

  11. I am very sad by reading this . Keep commenting on my blog because I love your comments.

  12. The same thing has happened here but a long time ago. Here the problem is complicated by population changes. Many of our villages and towns have become vacant.

  13. How sad and yes this is happening everywhere. Nobody can compete with low priced bad tasting stuff. Money talks and we are forgetting what real is all about

  14. Now that is a real shame! I hate to see things like this happening.

  15. So sad that a family business like them with quality products had to stop. A real waste. I guess it's the same everywhere.

  16. And of course the low-cost outlets really give nothing back at all to the community around them.

  17. How awful Bill! I'm sure that, like me, a lot of folk would rather shop at the smaller family businesses, but not enough if would seem 😶

  18. Looks like everyone loves those sausages!

  19. That is sad to hear Bill! It is hard for an independent hands-on business to compete with big box conglomerates. The quality of product is lost as well as the personal attention.

  20. Sad to see this. A shame a long standing business needs to close.

  21. The sad story unfolding around the world. Personal becoming impersonal.

  22. This is so sad. It's happening everywhere but it especially impacts small communities.

  23. Great post . . .
    Very sad to see old time family businesses have to close . . .
    This shop sounds quite special . . .

  24. Wonderful photos; such a sad tale - but good you have added to it!

  25. So sad to see local businesses close. Buy local or bye local!

  26. This is so sad, and it's happening more and more.
    I do my best to shop local when I can, we really do need to support our local shops !

    All the best Jan

  27. Yes, it is especially hard to see family businesses go under like that. And as you say, an ‘everywhere’ problem these days.

  28. I agree with the previous comments that the closure of small shops is unfortunate, but if shoppers go elsewhere than they are the cause and this sadly becoming more prevalent all over.

  29. So sad. I'd like to think that people would like to pay more for quality, but in today's world of fast food ….
