14 April, 2022


Balcas Brites currently provide one of the best biomass alternatives to fossil fuel on the UK and ROI markets today. Brites wood pellets are a low emission, high calorific value, and sustainable product created from waste products from Balcas saw mills.

Suitable for use in approved wood pellet boilers, Brites are ideal for reducing your fuel consumption and carbon footprint, while saving you considerable amounts on your energy bills (customers reported up to a 40% saving when switching to brites pellets).

Brites produce little ash when used and are screened and sieved before shipment, ensuring a clean and hassle-free product for use in your home or business which can be stored indefinitely!

Brites are cultivated from approved sustainable spruce & pine forests in Northern Ireland, and Brites policies include a 20 year fuel transparency plan, ensuring you know your fuel is both efficient & ethical.
Info courtesy of the electricalworld website.


  1. But whether using wood is so good for the environment (including waste wood) has been under discussion for some time, and the Dutch government advises for open fires and stoves not to use wood anymore. (A real alternative is still not in sight).

  2. Buena alternativa, para ahorrar gastos de energí eléctrica, últimamente los precios se han disparado y hay que evitar depender totalmente de ella.

  3. I didn't know anything about this combustible and I like to know... Very important in the current crisis.
    Thank you Bill. Have a nice Thursday.

  4. I have not heard of Brites, alternative fuels are more important now.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. All of this is new to me, Bill, but I applaud any innovation that improves fuel efficiency and minimizes our carbon footprint. I would bet that the monocultural spruce and pine forests are green deserts though, devoid of biodiversity.

  6. Looks like progress is paying off. I hope. Thanks for the information.

  7. ...wood pellets are used for residential heating in rural areas here.

  8. People with pellet stoves here have had supply problems over the years. Great idea though.

  9. Very interesting! I guess people have to purchase a different stove to use these pellets, rather than a normal wood stove...

  10. I have not heard of brites, but it sounds good for us and the nature.

  11. Interesting. I had never heard of this before.

  12. I've never heard of brites here. All new and interesting to me. I'm all for anything that will help.

  13. Around here these wood pellets are used mostly in outside barbecue grills. Not sure how these are better than charcoal made from waste wood? But I'll take your word for them being more ecological sound.

  14. glad to know about Brites ....
    thank you for sharing

  15. Eu sou a favor de tudo que seja bom, para a economia e para o meio ambiente.

    Amigo Bill, tenha uma Feliz Páscoa com sua família.

    Um abraço.

  16. Thanks for sharing this information.

    All the best Jan

  17. Hope to see more companies like this :)

  18. Uy genial foto. Te mando un beso y te deseo una feliz pascua.

  19. Great choices and wonderful company. Hello from Colorado USA.

  20. Fantástica imagem! E no momento, a Europa bem precisa de fontes alternativas de energia, muito rapidamente!... A crise energética, infelizmente, continua bem presente, nos tempos mais próximos... Gostei de ficar a conhecer um pouco mais sobre esta fonte de energia, que respeita o ambiente...
    Um grande abraço!
