21 October, 2021

Bank of Ireland

closed on Oct 8th in Dungloe along with 88 other branches around the country.  Now if you need access to the bank services, the bank has a contract with An Post to cover those services.  They even took the ATM machine out which people were not happy about.  There are a few machines in stores that people can access.  Just more aggravation for people.  I wonder what will now become of this empty building.

the bank with their name and atm machine


  1. Hi Bill.

    Just like in The Netherlands.
    More and more facilities are disappearing.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  2. So far banks in Canada have stepped up to help our country work through these challenging times.

  3. Hope the building will be saved for a nice destination.

  4. You can fit 4 families in there.

  5. beautiful building with nice decoration.

  6. The bank I´m with sits in Frankfurt - far away.
    And you can only go via App now. Or go a whole complicated way.
    I feel so darn old, I don´t understand how you can expect your "smart"--phone is always on - what if you loose and owww.

    Banks. Too much power they have.

  7. These days so many things are done via app. or online...

  8. ...a lovely building, but it doesn't look like a bank to me.

  9. Oh, such a pretty building. I'd say put a library in it, but that seldom ever happens. At least around here. Funny how somethings take forever to happen while suddenly banks can close and you wonder how to access your savings.

  10. Hello,
    It is a shame to lose the ATM machine, they are convenient.
    The building is pretty, I hope it finds a new purpose.
    Take care, enjoy the rest of your week!

  11. The profits of a bank, and service to its customers, never align at any point, the former always trumping the latter.

  12. Well that is a disturbing situation. I hardly ever step into a bank anymore but I'd miss the ATM.

  13. Our local branch of one bank is closing in Feb. I hate losing the ATM more than the drive through windows, which are the only 2 services of the physical building I use. I am wondering if I'll keep that account open, but the other several banks in town don't have free checking. Not that I use paper checks for more than a couple of bills monthly any more...it's all on line. Sad to see your pretty building closed up.

  14. A very beautiful buiding. So sad that the Bank closed.
    Here the same happens often.

  15. They don't want to spend their/our money if they can avoid it!

  16. You'd think there would be some reasonable notice to customers so that they could make new arrangements.

  17. Sad to see this institution disappearing. Perhaps they have decided they don't make enough money serving people's needs. Perhaps that fine, old building will become a B&B?

  18. Sounds like a big headache for people.

  19. Tiene un buen edificio, seguramente que pronto lo dedicarán a otra cosa.

  20. Evaluating old buildings is something I love very much. In our country, some banks use old and historical buildings. It's sad that it's closing...

  21. A lot of our banks have shut their doors and removed the ATM's, it's a sign of the times, but it doesn't make it easy for people does it!

    Nice photographs.

    All the best Jan

  22. We have the same with banks here.

  23. That is some nice looking bank. It looks more like two residences.

  24. Beautiful building and bright benches too. A pretty sight except for the empty space where there once was the ATM.

  25. gotta hve ATM machines, here banks have been closing their branches due to more people doing online banking.

  26. They close branches and people are forced to do more online and after that the closure of more branches is justified because of "changing customer behaviour".
