24 February, 2021


a sign that many people don't understand, read or care about.  There are quite a few of them around here.

to see other signs from around the globe, click here


  1. Hi Bill.

    Yes, unfortunately, that often does not include cleaning up what your dog leaves behind.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  2. Yes, I already lost a pair of shoes due to this.

  3. This annoys me, I really think there should be fines or something for dog poo. When I go walking, I really need to keep a look out for it. It is horrible :-(

  4. Hola! Donde yo vivo pasa lo mismo, o no ven o no lo quieren ver. Besos

  5. This is the first time that I have seen a sign like that and it's really good. Sure if people care them:-))

  6. Totally agree!Yesterday when coming home from one of my hikes my shoes were full of dog shit uffff

    Nice post!

  7. ...we have similar signs here, it would nice if they weren't necessary! Thanks Bill for stopping by, watch where you step.

  8. many people don't care of their dog's shit....
    great shot

  9. I am sure that there is a responsible dog owner somewhere. I have yet to meet her!

  10. Better than getting that stern look from the neighbor who always let me know she was watching me when I walked by her house with my dog..and darn..if that dog just had to poo in front of her house..everytime.

  11. Beautiful path with a message to keep it that way.
    Most dog owners are responsible dog owners but it only takes one to ruin someone's outing

  12. Some people have selective reading!

  13. Beautiful path. Greetings Caroline

  14. Yes, that is a problem everywhere. However, I do have to admit that folks around my neighborhood do a very good job of picking up after their dogs.

  15. Years ago I did a study of the maintenance of a small public park, and it was the dog owners who were messing it up by not picking up after their dogs. They were also quite vocal about it. But some dog owners are quite responsible. The others give them all a bad name.

  16. Sounds like some enforcement is needed.

  17. It has been my experience that most people are good about cleaning up after their dogs but the few who don't make a mess for everyone. And if they walk the same route all of the time the dog is going in the same areas and the waste builds up. Spoken as a long time dog owner. ;-)

  18. Very Cool Illustration - Hope You Are Doing Well Mr Bill


  19. Se hacen el despistado y no les importa para nada el efecto de la contaminación.

  20. I have seen someone pick up a dog's dropping in a plastic bag; then throw the bag in someone's front garden. That's the imbecile selfish society we've become.

    God bless, Bill.

  21. Something that pet owners should religiously follow.

  22. Yes, this can still be a problem.

    All the best Jan

  23. I wish more people would obey that sign!!

  24. I saw that exact sign here today.

  25. It's so annoying Bill! I don't have a dog but I regularly find dog pool on my front lawn 😱
