04 February, 2021

outdoor services

an outdoor laundry station in Ballyshannon, 2019.  This is the second one I've seen that's outside.  I imagine some people will use them to wash a big item such as a large blanket or duvet.  Most people have a washing machine but they are small.

the pay as you go waste disposal is located in the same area, it's good for people who don't have pickup service and is convenient.


  1. Never seen an outdoor washing machine before. Interesting idea.

  2. Do you pay for waste disposal? Don't the Local Authorities collect rubbish by truck?

    God bless.

    1. Yes, we pay waste disposal but some people think it too exspensive. Our area has both pickup (€25-€35) per month or bags (€7 for waste, €4 for recyling) We do the bags because we don't generate much trash and we also walk to the recycling centre. It's about a mile walk.

    2. Thanx for the info, Bill. Over here trash and re-cycling is collected by truck and all houses pay a fee annually.

      God bless.

  3. never know about outdoor washing machines....
    great shots

  4. I would not say 8kg is large most domestic washers are as big if not bigger, ours is a 10kg one. Never seen a waste compactor like that before, it's a good idea but then I've never seen an out door washing area like that. More likely to get abused here

  5. Have never seen this in the outside!

  6. These are concepts that are entirely new to me. I hope that people are responsible and use the waste facility and don't resort to dumping in wetlands and woodlots.

  7. I have seen such large washing machines only at the gas stations on the border where the truck drivers can do their laundry.

  8. I just hang our big blanket out on the balcony to get some freshness in - great idea with the machines!
    And the waste thing - great! Here it´s the same price but you have to drive all through town as there is one place only.
    To a rainy day, I´m still waiting!

  9. Never seen an outdoor one before. The indoor ones are pretty rare here nowadays!

  10. Que curiosidades se ven en esta ciudad? Muy interesantes!!
    Habra que probar esos servicios!! 😊
    Besos Bill.

  11. It was my first time here that I saw a washing machine service outside my home as well as paid garbage disposal bins. I am amazed by your carefulness in targeting the image object.


  12. In all my life I have never seen an outdoor laundromat.☕

  13. Well this is a first for me too Bill, I'm thinking of the weather factor 😉

  14. I lug my dirty laundry to an indoor laundromat...which has all size machines. I have a laundry room at my apartments, but the machines are all small...and more expensive. Choices...

  15. ...I've never seen these here!

  16. That outdoor laundry is a first for me. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Interessante, o lixo é pago para descartar?
    Aqui a maioria do povo na periferia descartam seu lixo poluindo rios e matas, um descaso.

  18. Very inventive. Wish our city would think about this. Great pics!

  19. I've never seen anything like either of these services. Interesting.

  20. Wow! Five bucks a bag! I hope it's a big bag.

  21. I have never seen an outside laundromat before. It gets way too cold here for that. Our current temperature is -13°C which may be close to the high for today. At 5 Euros a bag, trash is expensive to throw away.

  22. Too Funny Mr Bill - Thats A New One On Me


  23. Like everyone else I have never seen such a thing! The waste disposal is not cheap.

  24. Hello,
    I am have never seen the washer outside. That is strange. Thankfully we have trash pickup. Take care, enjoy your day!

  25. Hasta ver esta imagen, yo tampoco las había visto en el exterior.

  26. Yep, like most commenting I've never seen either of those things. I know for a fact that if we had a pay as you go trash disposal that people around here would just leave their bags of trash beside the big can.

  27. I have not seen an outdoor washing machine/laundry before.

    All the best Jan

  28. I have only ever seen outside washing machines in Florida. Years ago, many people had their washers/dryer outside there on a patio or covered porch. Diana

  29. Irish washers are small, I can tell you that. How anyone could wash large items never occurred to me! What a great idea.

  30. Bill - like PerthDailyPhoto, I am surprised these machines would be out in the weather! Having lived in the UK and dealt with very small washing machines, I can see how this size would be very helpful!

  31. Oh so nice the washing machine idea

  32. I haven't seen either of these outside. I have used a huge washing machine for a comforter. I remember taking it to the laundry with the intention of having them clean it, but when they quoted me a price that was as much as buying a new comforter, I washed it in their big machine instead.

  33. Never seen the washing machine facility like that but what a good idea for larger items.

  34. What good ideas, we should have outdoor laundry services too.

  35. Never hear or seen. But maybe it's a good idea for someone.
