18 July, 2019


their phones, oblivious to everything else.


  1. If nefarious activities took place they would be poor witnesses wouldn't they?

  2. Its everywhere the same. Only attention for your mobile. Nice street photography Bill.

  3. ...what a sad state of affairs.

  4. I bet they are texting each other, with emojies too!

    God bless.

  5. Hello, that is a familiar scene. Everyone checking or playing games on their phones. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend ahead.

  6. Yes too many people are hooked on their phones.

  7. It's the same everywhere, I guess. I've dined in restaurants where people at other tables are both fiddling with their phones the entire time, and not talking with each other. I wonder why they bothered to get together. I've seen people walking or jogging along roads, and they're either talking or texting on their phone while they do. I've even seen bicycle riders with one hand on the handle bar, while the other hand is holding up a cell phone! Very dangerous. And these people are all different ages. When I go for walks on trails, my phone is inside my purse, and stays there, while I enjoy the scenery around me and take photos. I think it's a shame that people have become so absorbed in their phone that they no longer seem to enjoy the company of the person they're with or appreciate the beauty of their surroundings. Don't get me wrong: there are good uses for cell phones, but there are also times to put it in your pocket / purse and engage with life around you. But that's just my humble opinion, and I seem to be in the minority.

  8. Their loss. So much for being present.

  9. You've caught the total obsession with phones.

  10. That is such a familiar scene. I was sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office Tuesday and I was the only person without my head bowed over a cell phone.

  11. It is a crazy world! People don't even see what is going on around them.

  12. I rarely remember to switch my phone on let alone check it. More often it's left in the drawer.

  13. What a neat photo Bill.
    Four people on a bench and not one is chatting with the other...at least not bu word of mouth.
    They could be texting one another :)

  14. Ha Bill dit is tegenwoordig overal het straatbeeld. Alleen oog voor de telefoon maar niet om je heen.
    groetjes kees.

  15. The world sure has changed since I was a teenager. I have never had a cell phone, I don't need one. But even when people come over to my house this is how they are.

  16. I regret to say that this is a very familiar scene...

    All the best Jan

  17. to be in Ireland and ignore what it is! May their signals fail!

  18. A second day's post of people with their faces in their phones. Sad.

  19. Sad it's society these days isn't it?

  20. A scene we see every day all around the world these days. Great candid photo.

  21. Love/hate relationship with my phone for sure.

  22. A common sight today unfortunately
    sooner it was paper newspapers
    now it is mobiles instead
