11 May, 2019

saturday critters

When I was walking pass this place, my eye caught something moving.  My first thought was, wow, those are two huge dogs, then I saw the horns.  We had a stare down and then the sheep decided to jump down to the footpath and go on their way.

well, are you coming or not?

calm down, I'm here right behind you.

let's go this way and lose that guy who's taking our photo.

to see other critters from around the globe, click here


  1. Ha Bill, Gewoon even de weg kwijt HiHi, heel leuk weer gevonden Bill deze situatie.
    Groet Kees.

  2. ...city goats aren't what you would expect to see.

  3. Many domestic sheep were descended from mountain sheep - perhaps these were!

  4. LOL, escapees. Run, we free. They are cute, great photos. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank also for leaving me a comment.

  5. Now that is certainly something unexpected to have seen and wondering if this was unusual for the locale.

  6. Funny commentary to go along with these wonderful photos Bill. Were they just roaming around free like that? They weren't escapees from someone's farm? (I don't know enough about Ireland, to know if there is a wild population of them. If that was here in Connecticut, US, it would mean they escaped from a farm. They might live wild out in the west somewhere, but I don't know enough about that either.)

  7. That's amazing, Bill. Wonderful photos and commentary.

    God bless.

  8. Lol. Great capture, Bill. Such an unusual sight.

  9. Just out for a walk like you were, Bill! ;-)

  10. They must have decided to take a stroll around town. How fun!

  11. Looks like somebody lost some sheep.

  12. I love this post - that first photo seems so odd with the sheep in such an industrial setting. We have wild critters where I live but nothing like that.

  13. Free-range sheep.....just one of the hazards facing the Irish motorist.

  14. Great duo and your comments suit their movements well! Sweet sheep
    Happy Weekend

  15. Hah! Great series! This is something most of us aren't likely to see everyday.

  16. Well, that's something you don't see every day! Oh...and NEVER here in Florida! heehee!

  17. Love the photographs and your commentary.

    All the best Jan

  18. Loved the series! The captures and the captions are lovely!

  19. Funny sheep, I hope they make their way home again.

  20. Hi Bill.

    Hopefully they have found the way back again ..

    Greeting from Patricia.

  21. Totally out of place! Here in ventura I only see that at the zoo.
