28 February, 2019

tyrconnell bridge

located in Donegal Town.
just reopened after being closed for the last six months due to restoration

this is the bridge as it looked before it was replaced

photo and info coutesy of Buildings of Ireland website
Four-span road bridge over River Eske and road, dated 1895. Constructed of welded sheet steel girders forming deck and having steel/iron panels to parapets. Deck rests on battered squared coursed rock-faced masonry piers with pointed breakwater buttresses to base. Piers rise over steel parapets having cut stone coping over. Abutments to either side/end (north-east and south-west) constructed of squared coursed rock-faced masonry having cut stone coping over. Projecting cut stone stringcourse at deck level to piers and to abutments to either end. Staircase flanked by rubble stone wall to north end of west side of bridge. Bridge spans River Eske and New Row Road. Cut stone date plaque to pier to east side reading 'The Tyrconnell Bridge; Built 1895; W.J. Glen C.E. Contractor'. Located to the north-west of Donegal Town centre, a short distance from the Diamond.

Info and photo courtesy of Buildings of Ireland


  1. There are days I feel as old as the bridge and need a little refurbishing too!

  2. Gosto da perspectiva da primeira foto, aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  3. It needs still a little time to blend in but after that it looks like it stood there forever.

  4. Ha Bill, Nou daar is goed aangedaan om de brug te vernieuwen, mooi geworden. Alles heeft toch onderhoud of vernieuwing nodig.
    Groet Kees.

  5. Hello, the new bridge is nice. We have a lot of bridges that need repair. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  6. That must have been inconvenient when it was closed!

  7. It's looking good. I love the view heading across the bridge.

  8. Looks ready for the next couple of hundred years Bill ✨

  9. ...bridges are such an important part of a community. Being without one certainly changes your life.

  10. I like crossing bridges!
    Love the first picture.
    Be well

  11. Now surely the bridge will be operational for many years.
    I love the first photo.
    Keep weel
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  12. Lovely view of the bridge and surrounding area. I'm sure many are happy that it has reopened after a long restoration.

  13. Great photos of the bridge, before and after. I'm glad they were able to preserve some / all of the original stonework. I like the green railing. Perfect for the Emerald Isle!

  14. very beautiful
    I like the first with the church in the background

  15. The new one should be good for another few years.

  16. Looks pretty after the renovation. Nice shots.

  17. Nice new bridge but I hate to see the old bridge's character gone. But we must be safe.

  18. It looks ready for another 124 years.

  19. The restoration is so much better looking as it should be and that bridge can go for many more years now.

  20. Beautiful restoration of the bridge and great stonework then!

  21. My favourite of these three photographs is your first one :)

    All the best Jan
