24 February, 2019

donegal castle

last weekend we visited Donegal Castle to go to a spring fete.  It was our first time in the castle.  When we got there, a woman told us to go to the top floor to see some young children perform Irish dancing.  We were quite impressed considering they were very young.  We didn't take any photos of the dancers due to their age.

the left sde of the castle doesn't have a roof over it.  We wondered if they used the space to entertain people on a nice summer day.  Sometime this summer we will go back for a tour where we can learn more about the castle.

to read more click on Donegal Castle

the right side is where we went to the top floor to see the dancers

the entrance

these barrels were down in the basement

second floor window. 

a diorama showing the castle in 1590

a diorama showing the castle in 1650

looking up

photo by Shari Burke


  1. Looks like a nice day out. Thank you for sharing your photos, Bill. Very kind.

    God bless you.

  2. Looks like red was the dress code du jour for the ladies. Wonderful castle and it looks like it has been maintained in a good state of repair.

  3. I impress with views of inside castle.
    Thank you for sharing photos

  4. I remember we only past it, maybe it was closed at that time, can't remember it anymore, but it looks nice.

  5. Hello, loved the tour and castle. I would like to visit someday. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day. Wishing you a happy new week ahead.

  6. So beautiful!
    Like living in a fairy tale.
    I love it!
    Thank you so much for sharing Bill 💮

  7. I'm sure there was a roof on all of it back when it was built. Time and weather have wrought their changes. What a wonderful day you must have had!

  8. Yes, I'd go back and take another look at this. I'm sure there's much more to see.

  9. A fun trip. You realize even some castle dwellers didn’t have it real comfy cozy. You probably already knew that but my access to castles has been limited to Hearst Castle which was owned By William Randolf Hearst and pretty much has every comfort known to man. Happy Sunday Bill.

  10. I love castles. There are so many in Portugal as well!

  11. I would love to visit there. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos with us. I look forward to you returning there and sharing more. Have a great day.

  12. How fantastic Bill. Exploring castles is fascinating, trying to imagine what it must have been like back then. Super shots, I like Shari's ceiling detail shot very much ✨

  13. ...an amazing piece of history, enjoy your day.

  14. Thanks for the tour around this wonderful place. I love visiting places like this.

  15. That's so darn cool, wow. I would love to see that in person. Thanks for the great pictures.

  16. Fabulous! You must go back in summer, Bill!

  17. A very nice castle
    I like castles and its history from the past

  18. Now that was a very interesting tour. Thank you. Imagine all the stone work that took

  19. Fascinating to see, I enjoy visiting places like this.

    All the best Jan

  20. That was a good tour! Quite an honor for the children to perform in this setting!

  21. Wonderful virtual tour of the castle!

  22. What amazing construction. This is a place well worth exploring, and how nice that you could enjoy a dance performance, too.

  23. Hi Bill.

    Wonderful Bill this castle.
    Beautiful to look at in the past.
    Beautiful pictures.

    Good to let us look.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  24. The stone walls are quite something! Great place to visit.

  25. Bill - I never met a castle I didn't like, especially if it has young people engaged in Irish dancing. But I got a little stuck at the notion of a spring fete. In February?
