09 April, 2018

heating oil theft

there has been an increase in heating oil theft this winter.  The perpetrators come at night and drain the tank of its oil.  People are told to report any suspicious activity in their neighborhoods to the gardai (police).  You can see how easy it is to get access to a tank when it's placed out there in the open.  Not all tanks sit outside like this one, some keep them locked up in a shed.  This tank is rather small compared to others I've seen.


  1. Opportunity makes the thief. It looks that Ireland is going to lose faith in his fellow man.

  2. Heating with oil, I haven't seen here for a long time. I don't think it is in use here anymore.

  3. Such a shame about the theft. In our country, theft of the copper tubing on outdoor HVAC units is prevalent. Someone did a lot of pruning on that one tree/bush.

  4. That is truly sad. Similar things happen here... such as siphoning gasoline from from a car's gas tank.

  5. That is just awful, Bill. It is hard to overlook the bad behavior of those that take advantage of others....Hope you and Shari have a wonderful week anyway! xo Diana

  6. Most hopes here are heated with Natural gas furnaces, or propane if no natural gas is available, Some houses are heated with electric heating but that's very expensive. Some oil is used out in the country areas but the oil tanks are usually in the house basement. I suggest installation of a padlock on the filler cap.

  7. Here it's propane bottles that disappear. Homeless steal them and have propane heaters .

  8. When I was in grad school in Chicago, I worked for the Great Northern Oil Company. Heating oil was still a big business back then. But I cannot remember ever using oil to heat any of our homes. In Duluth, Minnesota it was coal. That was messy and dirty.

    Heating oil is very expensive and I can imagine it is susceptible to theft. What a shame, though. I had in mind that Moville was free of such crimes.

  9. I'm not surprised. Those thieves are a resourceful bunch. Many years ago, I remember coming home and seeing a couple of police cars at my neighbor's house. It turns out someone had climbed up on his roof and stole the compressor out of his air conditioner in broad daylight.

  10. Desperate people to desperate things. That takes guts to steal from such a tank.

  11. That's preposterous, Bill! I hope these thieves are caught soon. I love your new header. Have a great day. Jo

  12. Some people don't respect other people's belongings. It's awful.

  13. People are amazing! You have to chain everything down these days!

  14. I was thinking about this today as I looked at a couple of pretty hefty bicycle locks. And later, even with the door locked, I worried a bit about leaving my Kindle on the seat of my car. It doesn't seem that anything's safe anymore. And I think it's more about larceny than about people being in need.

  15. That's a lowdown thing to do!

  16. Incredible theft. I have not heard that we would have something like that. The oil tanks must be in a locked room or underground.
