27 February, 2018

the morning star

The "Morning Star" sculpture
Resembling a sail-boat on the crest of a wave, it is located at the roundabout along the N15, to the north side of the town. 

HEART Project, Morning Star, 2008
H.E.A.R.T. stands for Heritage, Environment, Art and Rural Tourism. It is a cross-border initiative managed jointly by Strabane District Council and Donegal County Council.
The sculpture is of a ‘landmark’ scale, 6.5 meters in height, it is made up of a number of forms, such as the flowing ‘water line’ which makes reference to the Assaroe Falls and River Erne. The Boat form which makes reference to the Mall Port, is elevated above the waterline and is positioned to look out towards the Atlantic ocean. The sculpture is located on the Allingham roundabout near Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal.

The artwork celebrates the area’s rich industrial/social history and culture. The Mall Quay, Ballyshannon’s port with reference to its shipping heritage, was the first port in Ireland to import coal. It also was a port of departure for immigrants fleeing the famine. The ancient title of the River Erne ‘Morning Star’, its listing in the Annals of the four masters, the first settlers in Ireland on Inis Saimer, the demise of the Abbey Assaroe with particular reference to the name Port na Morrav, the solemn funeral procession being broken by the sound of the abbey bell, the loss of the Falls of Assaroe, rhythmic flowing movement, were other influences which shaped the work.

Info courtesy of dccpa (donegal county council public art)


  1. Hi Bill.

    Beautiful coastal work Bill.
    Will come to his right there on the field.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  2. Ha Bill, fraai kunstwerk en goed in beeld gebracht.
    Groet kees.

  3. I see a running guy with sails on its head like Bill Nicholls. Funny what a first impression makes. The story behind it is very different.

  4. It’s beautiful in its simplicity of design and meaningful! Love it!

  5. Quite a surprise to come across this in the middle of the traffic roundabout.

  6. Cool! Love to see this sculpture! Very nice.

  7. Hello Bill.
    Very beautiful sculpture!
    Great artwork!
    Like your capture,and the lovely scenery !
    Enjoy your day!

  8. You added some great information with your sculpture that always makes me appreciate the art work a bit more than just a cursory glance or stop.

  9. I love it Bill and you've captured it beautifully with the turbulent sky in the background, a bit like the waves on a stormy sea!

  10. It's beautiful! And, it appears to sit in a place where everyone can see it.

  11. ...public art is a wonderful addition to the community.

  12. I usually enjoy public art, this one included. Calgary, where I am from, has a history of making public art decisions that people have hated, including a giant blue ring with street lights on top that cost half almost half a million dollars. Then there was the one last year that looks like a bunch of left over construction material.

  13. An unusual and funky sculpture. It appears to me that the boat has arms and is trying to swim. But I may need new glasses, so don't take that seriously. :)

  14. I like it, Bill! And it is full of significant references which is nice!

  15. A beautiful and historical sculpture by HEART. Thanks for sharing this, Bill!

  16. What an unusual piece- very modern art. I love the significance attached to it.

  17. I do like this. As a very small town, we don't have this type of art. Lucky you!

  18. I like this sculpture! Very clever.
