24 September, 2022


including the kitchen sink.  

I had a nice break and also moved to Glenties which is not far from Bunbeg.  It is not so isolated and we love it plus we live beside a river.  Listening to it flow by is a pleasant sound.  Hope you all had a wonderful summer.


  1. Hello,
    Your new place by the river sounds wonderful. Have a great weekend!

  2. Hola Bill, que linda noticia, ciudad nueva, casa nueva y junto al rio, que bien, me alegro por vos y tu familia!!
    Es bueno volver despues de tomarse unas lindas vacaciones.
    Un fuerte abrazo.

  3. Wonderful to see you back. Happy moving the house too. Living close to a river is a nice bonus.

  4. Nice that you are back and with a wonderful header and a new home. I assume that you filled that dumpster but undoubtedly the future will show us. Have a nice and pleasant weekend.

  5. Nice to see you again, a beautiful area there I see.

  6. ...it's great to have you back!

  7. Good to see a new post from you. Hope you guys are doing well at your new place. Good to hear you love the place!

  8. Glad to see you back and love the new place, Bill.

  9. Hurray - you are back, Bill. I look forward to pics of your new neighbourhood.

  10. Bill, your posts have been missed, so welcome back. County Donegal looks lush and beautiful in your header photo. There is humor in your dumpster photo including the kitchen sink.

  11. Welcome Bill :) Have a nice weekend:)

  12. It was interesting reading about Glenties on the link. Welcome back, Bill. You've been missed. I look forward to your walks and seeing your view of Glenties and I wish you all success and happiness in your new home.

  13. Por lo que he podido leer, te has mudado a una buena ciudad.
    Me gusta mucho la foto de cabecera del blog.

  14. I'm glad you've found your perfect house Bill, there's something about living near water that has a calming effect.

  15. Welcome back to the blogosphere, Bill. I'm glad to know that you're happy and in a good mood. Have a wonderful autumn. Greetings

  16. Good to read you again,Bill! Best wishes for life in your new location!

  17. Me alegro volver a leerte. Te mando un beso y genial foto.

  18. Welcome back it's good to see you again, well a post from you. Now we will have another area of Irelands photos, hopefully.

  19. Welcome back, Bill!
    You have been missed!

  20. It sounds cool to live beside a river.

  21. OMW, Bill. You've had a break AND moved since I last visited your blog. Your new place next to the river sounds awesome. As always, your header photo is beautiful. Have a great day. Jo

  22. Welcome back. Your new place sounds just perfect for you.

  23. Lovely to see you back Bill.
    It was interesting reading about Glenties on the link you gave.
    Happy settling into your new home.

    All the best Jan

  24. Welcome back! I have missed your posts.

  25. Bom tê-lo de volta, Bill! E que bom, tudo ter corrido bem com a sua mudança, e estar a gostar da nova região! Já ansiando pelas novas imagens, que certamente nos darão a conhecer um pouco da mesma!
    Que seja o inicio de um ciclo muito feliz, na sua nova casa!
    Tudo de bom! Um grande abraço!

  26. Haha yes that is a good photo! Love it :-D

    Oh wow, the river, that sounds lovely :-D

  27. Nice you are back and yes, it was a great summer, one of the hottest and best I can remember!

  28. Bill - glad to see you are back!
