06 May, 2022

bus window shot

sacred heart church, dunlewey, co. donegal

I'm having problems commenting on people's blog.  Blogger has a new comment form and it won't allow me to comment.  So much for this new and improved blogger.  


  1. Wonderful church. A bit far from town it seems. Do you go there?

    God bless.

  2. Indeed nice church but is there a village nearby. PS I have the same problems with answering some blogs Bill. Google is changing something.

  3. A rather empty landscape there, no trees or flowers.

  4. I think that in one manner or another, Bill, we are all having trouble with Blogger.

  5. Hola Bill, preciosa iglesia rodeada de ese campo; ideal para caminar un domingo e ir a rezar 😊.

    Hace una semana tenia problemas on los comentarios; se desapatecen y se guardan como Spam y los video no los puedo elegir y subir.
    Rspero que vaya mejorando. Tu conentario llego genial a mi blog 😀.
    Un fuerte abrazo!

  6. Sorry you are having problems commenting. Love the photo, the scene with the church and sheep is lovely. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  7. Lovely shot! Beautiful colors! & I like the motion too! Hope blogger gets better at these comments.
    I have to look in my comment section to find people have commented and its waiting for me to decide if it was SPAM when these are from bloggers who are regulars.

  8. Totally Dig The Alien Red Eyes In The Foreground There - Have A Wonderful Weekend Mr Bill


  9. Quite a landscape.

    I'm finding each day that multiple comments are landing in my spam folder, which of course are easily put where they belong. I wonder if some of the same is happening to mine, since I might come back to a post several hours later and find a comment I saw published has since vanished.

  10. Great view.

    I'm having similar issues. Just left you a detailed comment and it vanished after publishing.

  11. I would like to visit that church. : )

  12. Beautiful country view, sheep and church and rolling hills. Sorry the comment thing with blogger has been tossed upsy dervy.

  13. Since there's no evidence of resident humans in the area , the sheep must be the church members.

  14. Bill, that is a fine shot from a bus window. I know how hard it is to shoot pictures from a moving bus. Hang in there, and keep trying to comment. I alway appreciate hearing from you.

  15. That's a wonderful view, down to the sheep in the foreground. The pop-up comments tend to work better than the new blogger comment form. A lot of time the comments DO show up on the new form. But you don't KNOW it off the bat because either they are moderated or the message that says "publishing" slides up at the very bottom of the post or your screen and you don't see it! (So you write it again, or at least I do.) It's very frustrating. They couldn't leave well enough alone!

  16. Hmm, curious. Must be those Russians. Probably trying to make a retaliatory strike against Google. :-)

  17. A beautiful picture of the church

  18. Nice shot! Yes, blogger flips like a two-year-old!
    Some blogs are affected, like yours, others not.
    Well. It´s a free tool after all...

  19. I have been getting your comments but a couple of them have been left for me to decide if they were spam. It took me a few days to figure out the new comment form until I finally clicked on the word comment. What a pain. I don't know why they change things.
    Love your shot of the church, Bill.

  20. Esta muy solitaria, pero me ha parecido que hay alrededor de ellas unas ovejas.

    Feliz fin de semana.

  21. Try using a different browser, that might solve your blogger problems.

  22. Can people go inside the church? I would try. I've had a couple of issues with blogger too over the last few months.

  23. The church in that landscape is a sign of hope.

  24. Bello paisaje . Te mando un beso.

  25. Nice Church on a hill. Understand about the commenting....patience I guess until it's fixed.

  26. The subject of the comments is our problem. These days, comments are spam and we can't see them..

  27. I love it ! ❤️

  28. Uma bela panorâmica! Estimo que os problemas com os comentários, sejam ultrapassados! Também tive problemas nos primeiros dias, mas agora já me adaptei às novidades...
    Um grande abraço!

  29. Dang good, for a moving shot from the window.
