28 December, 2017

traffic jam

heading to Moville from Greencastle.  Tractors seem to be the cause and everyone wants to pass them.


  1. Yes that is always an obstacle on the road that nobody wants to hang behind for a long time...

  2. Don't worry... be patient and drive safe.

  3. Sometimes everybody is afraid of a driving elephant in front of its way. Especially on the country lanes.

  4. They cause our only traffic jams too, Bill. This time of year, icy roads slow us down!

  5. ...I would never be able to drive on the left!

  6. We all need to learn to slow down! My husband is an impatient driver but I tend to enjoy a slower pace, even if it is behind a pokey trailer or bus or truck.

  7. That's what you call a traffic jam? This would be a really slow day in Ocala or most cities in Florida! :)) And I see y'all are still driving on the wrong side of the road. I tried to do this drive on the wrong side of the road here and you wouldn't believe the nasty comments I got! Sheesh! I was called a knucklehead, a bozo, a stupid, a Trump, a Republican, and that's about as low as you can go! You can bet I won't do that again. Oh, yeah, my car is also smashed up. :))

  8. That's what you call a traffic jam? This would be a really slow day in Ocala or most cities in Florida! :)) And I see y'all are still driving on the wrong side of the road. I tried to do this drive on the wrong side of the road here and you wouldn't believe the nasty comments I got! Sheesh! I was called a knucklehead, a bozo, a stupid, a Trump, a Republican, and that's about as low as you can go! You can bet I won't do that again. Oh, yeah, my car is also smashed up. :))

  9. Tractors... we have the same situations here...

  10. It's city buses here. If there is no pull-out for the city bus to stop, it stops right in the driving lane and everyone has to wait while the passengers get on and off. Everyone tries to pass the bus as soon as possible.

  11. Tractors out this way too but seldom much traffic here anyway.

  12. It's no fun getting stuck behind tractors and farm equipment.

  13. We often get behind a tractor or a school bus and both slow us down!

  14. Your idea of a traffic jam is quite different from my idea of a traffic jam!

  15. I miss tractors I have to say, I was used to traffic jams in the country being 3 cars stuck behind a tractor or truck, now that I'm in the city the traffic is atrocious at times.

  16. Patience can be required when stuck behind slower moving traffic!

    All the best Jan
