13 September, 2024

bus window shot

 I'll be away until Tuesday so I'll catch up when I come back.

09 September, 2024

06 September, 2024

04 September, 2024


nice to meet you.  Our replacement bus, the original one broke down, people weren't happy but the ad on the bus I thought was funny.

heavy winds blew this sign away.

saw the Guinness sign in a charity shop

linking to Tom's signs2

01 September, 2024

31 August, 2024

saturday critters

the donkey looked tired and could barely keep his eyes open

linking to Eileen's saturday critters

23 August, 2024


good morning and what a nice quiet morning it was.  I was on my way to recycle glass and passed this open field.  It usually has sheep on it but not on this day.

linking to skywatch

20 August, 2024

carnival time

it's that time of year.  This one was at the beginning stages of just setting it up.

19 August, 2024

18 August, 2024

15 August, 2024


I don't know if the chairs are going in to this house or being removed, the house looks empty and there wasn't anyone around.

13 August, 2024

09 August, 2024


he owns is on the bike.  I've seen him around different places, he's homeless and doesn't want his picture taken.  I came across him at the grocery store in Donegal Town.  It has to be extremely hard to live like this.