18 September, 2024


 never tried backyard coffee so I don't know how proper it is.

shellybean bakery, the new bakery in town and it's good

we did eat a brownie also cheesecake, tiramisu, oreo cookie pie but not all at the same time :)

pizza on wheels

linking to signs2

17 September, 2024

16 September, 2024

empty kegs

 after the weekend, time to refill.

13 September, 2024

bus window shot

 I'll be away until Tuesday so I'll catch up when I come back.

12 September, 2024

11 September, 2024


 signs seen in Donegal.

linking to Tom's signs2

10 September, 2024


 buggy coaches are a tourist bus.  The blue trailer is the tourist centre.

09 September, 2024

monday mural

a new look for the Animals in Need charity shop building.

08 September, 2024

07 September, 2024

saturday critters

keeping an eye on main street.

linking to Eileen's critters

06 September, 2024

killing time

in Donegal Town until my morning dentist appointment.

05 September, 2024

04 September, 2024


nice to meet you.  Our replacement bus, the original one broke down, people weren't happy but the ad on the bus I thought was funny.

heavy winds blew this sign away.

saw the Guinness sign in a charity shop

linking to Tom's signs2

03 September, 2024

02 September, 2024


 for the colourful flowers.

01 September, 2024

monthly theme - bridges

 pedestrian bridge over the Moy River, Ballina, co Mayo
photos taken 10/10/18

31 August, 2024

saturday critters

the donkey looked tired and could barely keep his eyes open

linking to Eileen's saturday critters

30 August, 2024

ice cream

 Always nice to enjoy an ice cream.

28 August, 2024


 seen in Killybegs Harbour

linking to Tom's signs2

26 August, 2024


 waterand a quad bike

25 August, 2024

Church of Ireland

 a small church with a graveyard beside it

24 August, 2024

23 August, 2024


good morning and what a nice quiet morning it was.  I was on my way to recycle glass and passed this open field.  It usually has sheep on it but not on this day.

linking to skywatch

22 August, 2024

21 August, 2024


 signs seen in Donegal.

linking to Tom's signs2

20 August, 2024

carnival time

it's that time of year.  This one was at the beginning stages of just setting it up.

19 August, 2024

monday murals

Joe's garden centre, lower main street, letterkenny.

linking to Sami's monday murals

18 August, 2024

too close

this is one of my pet peeves, people parking too close.

17 August, 2024

saturday critters

 seen in Lough Foyle in Moville.

linking to Eileen's critters

15 August, 2024


I don't know if the chairs are going in to this house or being removed, the house looks empty and there wasn't anyone around.

13 August, 2024

the tree

 offering a place to hangout for the sheep.