07 January, 2025

drain overflow

the little drain, on the left, doesn't work right so when there's heavy rain like we got last week, it backed up because it's on a slope.  As a result it leaks in to the takeaway business, floods it and leaves a huge puddle in front of his business.

06 January, 2025

Women's Christmas

traditionally a day when women have the day off and men did all the housework.  It's considered bad luck to take down the Christmas decorations until after January 6th.

05 January, 2025


car window shot taken from the back seat of my friend's car as we were heading to Donegal Town.

03 January, 2025


a snowy morning in Glenties.  It snowed off and on all morning but by the end of the day, we had nothing.  The gridders were out doing their job preventing ice from gathering on the roads.