23 December, 2017

an unexpected surprise

When I left my house this morning for my walk, I headed up the hill as I usually do.  Suddenly, I heard someone saying good morning.  So I turned around to say hi and was surprised at who I saw.  I laughed and said, "I wasn't expecting  to see you today."  He laughed and said that "he had some things to check on before his big trip." A quick photo so I would know that it wasn't a dream and off we went to begin our day


  1. He is a long way from Rovanimi

  2. Ha,ha, a funny meeting! Didn't he had a present for you, I see something in his hand!

  3. Hi Bill.

    Nice Santa, Bill.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  4. What a nice surprise! One of my blog friends saw Santa in an adjacent car in traffic, put down her window and told him she wanted diamond earrings!!!!!
    I hope you put in your request.

  5. Certainly a friendly neighbour, and a busy one! The best surprise is unexpected. Many thanks for your encouragement on my hiking blog. One way or another, the exercise should be very healing!!

  6. So nice to meet him in person ;)

  7. What a nice surprise!!
    You walk was even more enjoyable, I am sure!
    : )

  8. We see him here, we see him there. It’s Santa.

  9. He must be a real Santa 'cause I can see his twinkly eyes! What a fun apparition first thing in the morning.

  10. Now that is what a call a wonderful holiday surprise. I'm so glad you thought to take the photo!

  11. He must be able to send multiple copies of himself so he can be everywhere at once!

    Merry Christmas!

  12. It is a very busy time of year for him, Bill! ;-))

  13. That is pretty darn special! Not many of us who get such an early visit! Merry Christmas to you and yours and Happy New Year.

  14. 'At ease' Santa ;)

    Lovely capture!

  15. ohhhh is that where he is? he's visiting you first before coming down under to us :-)

  16. You actually met the MAN himself. Wowee!!! I didn't know he lived in your town---I didn't see any snow.
    Merry Christmas
    Be off the 'net for a few days

  17. This is my first visit. My sister Mildred recommended your blog. What a treat to see Santa. Your photos of Ireland are beautiful. Merry Christmas to you and your family

  18. What a surprise that must have been!

    All the best Jan

  19. Nice to see the old chap in town, but wouldn't that suit get soggy in Irish winter weather?
