30 December, 2017

what's he doing

usually you can see the birds sit around these chimneys when its cold.  This chimney doesn't have the mesh cones on it to keep the birds out.  The bird looking down is watching one of his buddies who just went inside.  Don't know how long it stayed inside but it can't be good for the owners.


  1. Hi Bill.

    Indeed, your chimney can become blocked with birds in the neighborhood.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  2. I read somewhere that the smoke from fires gets rid of some of the parasites from a bird's feathers. Jackdaws seem to be especially keen to smoke out their tics and fleas.

  3. An adventurous bird to explore the chimney inside!

  4. Don't hope he makes a nest inside. The house from my parents in amsterdam had once 4 nests in some chimney's.

  5. A natural chimney sweep. Hope it got out OK.

  6. We have had birds in our chimney in the past. This house has the mesh in place to prevent that. We have even had them swoop into the exhaust pipe from the gas furnace. Love the birds but they can cause problems. Diana

  7. We don't have any birds that hang around chimneys. I have never seen a bird land on a chimney here.

  8. I love it! We heard this birds also on our roof :-)

  9. A good reason to put mesh wire up there!

  10. Oh dear, that isn't good for the owners or the birds.

  11. What an incredible capture, Bill. A bird looking down into a chimney at another down there! Happy New Year to you. Jo

  12. We have had that happen and it wasn't fun to get the birds out of the place!

  13. I used to live in a house with no chimney caps and, for sure, it wasn't long before birds took up residence. Noisy buggers!

  14. The people inside must have thought Santa has arrived albeit late!

  15. I can remember hearing birds in the chimney. And they would crash into our Li

    I remember hearing birds in our chimney. I guess they are looking to get warm.

  16. Do you ever have birds get stuck down there?
