07 December, 2017

what's cooking

a cat we see around the neighborhood showed up when supper was being prepared last week.  He's looks well taken care of and we don't know where he comes from.  He just shows up occasionally around the same time and he's a very friendly cat.  People tend to let their cats hang outdoors, we have seen that a lot.  When we had cats, they were always kept inside, it's safer that way and they didn't seem to care.


  1. Just don't feed him or he'll be there every day! I have several cats who hang out in my back yard; I think they like the fact that it's a children-and-dog-free zone.

  2. The cat's fixating stare has grabbed my attention.

  3. We have lots of cats in our neighbourhood and we see them often in our garden, even though we don't feed them. Nice photo, Bill.

  4. Clever cat, showing up when dinner is being prepared... looking for some table scraps. And cute and fluffy too, looks like my son's cat JoJo.

  5. As you probably know, we have 6 rescue cats and they are indoors only. You captured a precious photo with this pretty cat. He/she has that little jellybean spot under its chin like my cat "Jellybean!" Wonderful photo. Maybe you and your wife would share a photo of some of her handwork.

  6. He is a handsome cat with those huge green eyes!

  7. Hi Bill.

    Wonderful that cat snout at the window.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  8. What a cute cat. I used to have a cat that had a little black spot in almost the exact same spot on it's face as this one. It really reminds me of my cat. My cats were all indoor cats too when I had them.

  9. Would not see that at our place, the dogs would be going nuts

  10. Cute face! My cat stays indoors because there are too many raccoons, possums and snakes around my neighborhood, not to mention people who speed by on the road in front of my house.

  11. Cute...for a cat. I also noticed that jar that looks like it has sea glass in...pretty!

  12. Very sweet wee face Bill, I think keeping cats indoor is the best idea, safer and then you don't have to be worrying about them all the time ☺

  13. Lol. Great picture! My grandmother’s cats were mousers and spen their lives around the barn for the most part. They would look in the window like that too.

  14. He wants to come in for a wee visit!

  15. Lovely capture of an adventurous cat!

  16. Not only are cats safer and healthier if they're kept inside but bird populations aren't as hammered as they are when cats - even well fed ones - are left outside and go hunting.

  17. He looks well nourished. He is just curious... what did they cook today!!!
