06 June, 2024

Doherty's corner store

It’s the end of an era as the owners of Doherty’s corner shop, best known as “Fintan’s”, in Carndonagh have announced they are to close.

The store will close its doors for the last time this Saturday 8th June after more than 80 years in the heart of the town.

The Fintan family said: “Unfortunately the era of the corner shop has long long passed but with every chapter that ends another begins so don’t take this as a bad thing but instead remember those fond memories that where created here in Fintan’s from listening to the jukebox while playing pool to getting your ice cream fix and sitting on the stool out front putting the world to rights.”

The family businesses began in the 1940s as a sweet and ice-cream shop and soon became a hangout spot for the youth of the town as they munched on a quarter of their favourite treats. Famous for its nostalgic features, including the original weighing scales, the shop also championed handcrafted local products.

The closure announcement said: “We would like to first of all thank all our staff over the years that gave you all a warm welcome as you came through the door, every single one of you was a pleasure to work with and a huge asset to the shop.

“We would also like to thank all our customers that has supported us over the past 80 + years, it has been an honour to get to know every single one of you.”

Article courtesy of  donegadaily.com


  1. Heartbreaking...so sad to see tradition drop by the wayside...

  2. Hi Bill.

    Always a shame when an era has to end.
    But maybe something nice will come in return.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  3. Ha terminado su ciclo y lo más seguro que los dueños nuevos, la adopten a los tiempos de ahora y la conviertan en un lugar moderno.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Such a shame. A lot of these family businesses are shutting here too and some have been around forever.

  5. Sad times, a lot of local history there.

  6. Sadly a lot of vintage stores in my areas are getting shut too

  7. It is sad to see these family businesses close, a loss for the community.
    Take care, have a great day!

  8. That's sad...no one support small biz any more?

  9. It is quite sad and perhaps it portends a time when all stores will close and we will have no alternative to shopping on line.

  10. ...you header is beautiful. Small businesses are have a hard time everywhere.

  11. End of an era. It is happening here too with corner stores.

  12. That colored facade looks beautiful. Too bad the business is disappearing but yes that's how these things go.

  13. Oh what a pity. It did well to last this long. Most of our corner shops are now gone too.

  14. For the owners it as very satisfying business.

  15. That is sad, Bill. I guess the younger generations of the family were not interested in keeping it going as often happens with family businesses.

  16. The corner stores come to an end and so does the friendly human interaction.

  17. It is always a loss when our long time local businesses close. Thank you Bill. Glad to see you again. Aloha

  18. Ja schade aber auch bei uns sind diese kleinen Läden schon verschwunden.

  19. Such a wonderful store front. So sad to hear the news. We have a business or two that have become landmarks in Omaha, and they close, but on occasion, its like a reunion of some kind when they open for a certain season..which might be the College World Series baseball tournament.

  20. So sad when places like these close their doors.

    All the best Jan

  21. So sad that places like this are closing one by one everywhere..
    What a lovely thank you to everyone!!

  22. This is really sad. I'd rather shop at a corner store (a real one, not a chain!) and pay a little more than at any chain or box store.

  23. We still have a small kiosk on the market square. On appr. six squaremetres the owner sells newspapers and magazines, penny dreadfuls and tobacco. An institution, which will hopefully survive me.

  24. Me dio pena. Genial foro. Te mando un beso.

  25. Sad story but a beautiful photograph.

  26. Bummer. Times change, unfortunately, but what a shame to lose such an institution .
