27 June, 2024

deposit return centre

brand new and just built for Aldi outside their store in Donegal Town.  Now people can return their bottles and cans for a refund.  25 cents for large bottles and cans, 15 cents for the smaller ones.  This deposit return program began on February 1st.  Most places elsewhere in the world have been doing this for decades.  Better late then never, I guess.  Another option is give your bottles and cans to Animals in Need which I think is great and the money goes towards food for the animals.


  1. Anything to keep this stuff out of the landfills and the oceans is a step in the right direction.

  2. Deposit bottles are also an indicator that some people are doing too well materially, while others pick up what's carelessly dumped in parks and ditches to supple their meagre budgets.

  3. ...Aldi doesn't have this here.

  4. Interesting to know how this works. Is the money paid as you deposit the bottle?

    God bless.

    1. Yes, the machine spits out a receipt with the amount and you can use it. Usually people will use it in the store where they returned the bottles or cans.

    2. Many thanx. Bill. Can we have the same machine at our Aldi?

      God bless.

  5. Lots of recycling options here, but, to my knowledge, no refunds. :-(

  6. Standard here since a few decades. Good move by the city.

  7. Now it looks very clean . Wonder how it will look in a few years time.

  8. That's good that they do that. Looks nice.
    We put our cans, bottles etc in the bin for the garbage man to take to the tip as we don't have that cash back for those things.

  9. I wish ours had one. So organzed.

  10. This is a great idea, I hope it prevents people from littering.
    Take care, have a great day!

  11. Good to see the return program established!

  12. People will feel motivated to return their bottles.

  13. A deposit on bottles and cans keeps them out of the landfill and out of the environment. It is a great idea. BTW, our town may be getting an Aldi store. I hope we do.

  14. Around here, the Municipality keeps the money from recycling and acts as if we were done a favor!...
    Aldi deserves applause!... Great days for Donegal... Good afternoon, dear Bill. ☘️🍀🌺🪻☘️

  15. We get refunds on beer & liquor containers but the rest of them go into a special bin for recycling.

  16. Our recycling is picked up by the town like the trash...and we hear it's difficult to get things really recycled even once they're collected. Sad.

  17. Looks like a hi tech facility where you put stuff in, it's counted and spits out your money.

  18. Great way to recycle. I wish we had one here.

  19. Our town picks up all recycling materials except for glass, so we have to take that ourselves to a designated place. No refunds! We do love our Aldi stores here, Bill. Blessings!

  20. Aquí hay contenedores, para plásticos, vidrios, papel y basura.Llevamos distintas bolsas y la depositamos en los contenedores, sin tener ninguna gratificación.

  21. Good idea for recycling. Not sure what happened over here with it!

  22. A good way to recycle.

    All the best Jan

  23. When I was a kid we would find glass soda bottles and return then to the store and get 2 cents a bottle.

  24. Great to see the deposit program in Donegal Town! Animals in Need sounds like a worthy cause too.

  25. We return ours to the store we got them -- 10 cents each, in Michigan. But they only take carbonated drinks/beer. No wine, lemonade, etc.
