16 November, 2017

old railway station clock

the clock is located where the old train station once stood.   I took this photo last month when we visited Stranorlar.  Below is some info that I found in an old article of the Irish Times newspaper.

The first seconds of the new millennium in Co Donegal will be counted in on an old railway station clock, which has been restored and mounted in a specially-designed tower on the main street in Stranorlar.
The last train ever to pull into Stranorlar station arrived at 8.20 p.m. on December 31st, 1959, and the station clock has been held in storage for the past 40 years.
As a millennium project, a local development group teamed up with Donegal County Council to have the clock remounted on the main street.
A Dublin architect, Mr Martin Henchion, came up with the winning design for the new clock tower, a beacon-like stainless steel structure lighting up the surrounding area.

Info courtesy of the Irish Times


  1. Hi Bill.

    A piece of old the clock with a piece of new artwork.
    It looks good.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  2. ...telling time the old fashion way.

  3. It is a good thing that someone took care of it all these years.

  4. Nice idea wel executed. I like that Bill.

  5. What a nice story and great the clock is visible again now.

  6. I like public clocks. This is a nice one!

  7. It’s great to see the old clock find new life in such a modern piece!

  8. It looks very good. It beautifies the area.

  9. How interesting! I like the look of it too.

  10. Quite dramatic, and a good example of bringing the past into the present and in this way represent the continuity of our lives together.

  11. The main Street is the perfect spot for the restored clock Bill, every main street should have one !

  12. Their patience paid off as time rolled by & the old clock was resituated in this new clock tower!
    I'd like to see it illuminated at night!

  13. Interesting! Love that the old clock was restored. Neat mix of old and new.

  14. That is so good that it has been saved. It would be nice to see it lit up at night!

  15. Always nice when something old is saved. Needs to happen more often!

  16. Good to see the clock was restored!

  17. What a nice piece of history to save - and for so long, too! In addition to providing the time I'll bet it's a nice beacon at night.

  18. Like the look of the clock, nice photo.

    All the best Jan
