09 February, 2025

price increase

the price of a pint has increased by 7 cents excluding VAT. Guinness 0.0 has increased by nine cents per pint, excluding VAT.  Once VAT, duty and the pub margin are added it could result in an extra 30 cents for a pint – meaning Guinness could be well over €6 in many pubs and more than €7 in Dublin, according to Drinks Industry Ireland. 

It’s the fourth price rise in two years.  It's getting pretty spendy


  1. Everything is becoming more expensive each day

  2. Sorry for all people, pub-owners as well as guests... glad I don´t like Guinness.... Ack, but everything is getting more expensive...

  3. Yes everything cost more these days.

  4. Los precios está subiendo constantemente. Aquí también ocurre lo mismo.
    Feliz domingo.

  5. It seems the prices are going up on everything!
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

  6. People might have to cut back on lettuce to pay for their Guinness!

  7. Oh, it's sad how the prices are going sky high. Eggs are going through the roof here.

  8. Well, everywhere is same..nothing is cheap right now.

  9. All the prices are going up and up! It's not nice.

  10. Yes, prices are rising daily.... even the basic necessities, like bread, eggs, milk..... and of course Guinness. Although it's not actually my taste. And anyway I don;t think I could afford 6 or 7 euros!

  11. And I thought it's only in South Africa where the cost of living has gone through the roof!

  12. So sorry to hear about how your beer has been part of the price increases...I seldom buy any these days, but have noticed it's definitely more expensive.

  13. Wow!! I guess that will make a few people quit having their pint. :)

  14. ...I'll stick with tap water!

  15. What a pity, it's taking the fun out of men getting together to have a chat with one another in a pub, which my husband always used to enjoy.

  16. It seems to be everywhere, Bill.

  17. Perhaps the rise in the price of a pint will reduce the amount of drinking? While I have always have enjoyed a pint in Ireland, but only one. There must be a point at which people are unwilling to pay for a drink.

  18. With Those Prices , I Shall Belly Up To The Bar And Make It A Double - Yahooo00000 - I Met With A Guitar Player Regarding His New Project And We Each Enjoyed A Pint During Our Delightful Conversation - The Bill For Two Cold Brews $16.48 - Maybe Moms Sun Tea Is The Attractive Way To Go

    Stay Hip Mr Bill ,

  19. Every day there seems to be price increases.
    I think the pubs and restaurants are finding it tough (as well as everyone else!)

    All the best Jan

  20. I think I'd start making my own beer at those prices.

  21. We've seen the same kind of inflationary price hikes here in the States, Bill, so I'm not surprised. Let's see if President Trump can do something about it here, and that Ireland can follow suit. Blessings!

  22. That’s a lot for a pint! Enough to make one the limit for me.

  23. Things are rather expensive everywhere now. Too many people have been fooled into voting against their interests.Things are rather expensive everywhere now. Too many people have been fooled into voting against their interests.

  24. Everything is expensive nowadays..It do not matter they rise the salary when all goes to pay food.and bills.Here a glass of bear cost ca 200kr..A little bottle of milk 35kr
    And id you want a fish sometimes ohh boy we can not afford it..ca 500kr for a few pieces..I am going to grow my own vegetables,go more fishing..sadly I cant have a cow I live in a block..😂Here they may be start that homebaked alcohol again hah hah😂😂😂

  25. Each day prices increase I think everywhere.

  26. Buena foto . Te mando un beso

  27. Things are pricey, but I would gladly pay it to have a pint there. Beer tastes better in Ireland :)

  28. Yikes. I had no idea. (Also, I miss having a Guinness every day in Ireland.)

  29. Inflation is hitting the roof all over the world!
    'Cheers' is losing its meaning!

  30. We also have price increase in wine, spirits and beers.
    I still buy my Jameson whiskey for when I make a coffee, have a couple of bottles and I won't open one because it's expensive. Thank goodness I prefer tea.

  31. Despite everything, cheer's to Ireland! 🍺🍻☘️
    Have a good week, dear friend.

  32. Good shot. Everything is going up in price not just booze! :-D

  33. It's so sad that everything has to become so much more expensive in society

  34. Interesting. I'm thinking here in the US, most beer runs about $7 starting (on occasion you'll find one a little less, not often anymore). And it can go right up the scale. $10 isn't that unusual. But then, we have tax and tip on top of that.
