23 March, 2022


 Mothers Day is this coming Sunday, the 27th

this way to the beach

Dom's Pier 1

linking to Tom's signs2


  1. Bien visible esos carteles, para todos lo qu vayan a caminar por la playa.

  2. Judging by your photos looks like you have Mother's day all planned out. In Canada Mother's Day will be held on Sunday, May 8.

  3. Great collection of signs. I am ready to go to the beach.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. Nice signs although when I think of a pier I think of something else but the view will make up for a lot I think.

  5. ...Mother's Day is important for the florist business. Off to the beach we go and Dom's Pier 1 sign is wonderful. Thanks Bill!

  6. Always interesting to see when Mother's day is in other places. We've had some wild winds and a mix of snow and rain. A bad day for new signs to be out. Oh, the troubles I had driving yesterday to the dentist. Lets hope tomorrow calms down, but the wind is practically howling at the moment. I had a feeling March would be this way. Gotta say, it looks like a beautiful spring there.

  7. Nice collection. Mother’s Day here is in May.

  8. Meet ya at Dom's Pier! The first photo showing 2 signs of the florist has a bit of an illusion...that the signs are next to each other in the photo, but in reality one is behind the other in placement!

  9. Our Mother's Day isn't until May. I think the Pier 1 looks pretty good!

  10. We celebrate Mother's Day on a different date, however, as it is common to say, Mother's Day is every day...
    The ad for the restaurant left me intrigued not knowing where the entrance is... Maybe on the side...
    Beach, I wish she had good weather! Good pics, dear Bill. Congratulations.

  11. Bill, thank you for the reminder that next Sunday is Mother's Day. That sign would attract me to Dom's Restaurant. Nothing better than good food with a view.

  12. A trip to the beach and a stop at Dom's after sounds great to me.

  13. I think Mother’s Day there is earlier than here.

  14. It's Spring at last. Mothers' Day ... Easter ... and time on the beach.

    God bless.

  15. Still, my eyes are caught by your header every time I stop in.

  16. Boa tarde Bill. Obrigado pelas fotos. O dia das mães no Brasil é comemorado no mês de maio.

  17. Would be nice to take a walk on the beach. Haven't done that in many years.

  18. We will be at the beach in NC in mid-May so this was a timely sign, Bill.

  19. I always love your pictures, Bill. Hope you have a great rest of the week. Hugs- Diana

  20. Me gusto el primer cartel. Te mando un beso.

  21. Celebrate the Mothers Day at the beach in the wonderful restaurant! Perfect series!

  22. In my country, its 8 May, sunday:)

  23. Yes, we have some family gatherings to look forward to over the 'Mothers Day' weekend.

    All the best Jan

  24. Os sinais de praia... são sempre os meus favoritos! Mas gostei de ver todos os demais! Um grande abraço!
