04 March, 2018

milk crisis

The President of the Irish Farmers Association says dairy farms are facing a crisis due to the current weather conditions.  A rising number of farmers throughout the country are at risk of large financial losses as their milk cannot be collected due to snow and ice on roads.  Consumers could be impacted as farmers may be forced to dispose of stored milk if it is not collected urgently.  Hopefully the crisis can diverted asap.


  1. Hi Bill.

    That is certainly very difficult when the weather is so, and the milk is not collected.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  2. That is a disaster for the farmers. We have a strange winter this year and it takes so long...

  3. Society is becoming to depending on everything so there is not much needed to get it out of balance.

  4. Good luck with this issue. I agree with S.C. We are so dependent on each other.

  5. With temperatures as low as they have been you'd have thought the milk would keep just fine.

  6. Hello Bill.
    Hope the crisis will end and the weather will change!
    That’s very difficult for the farmers.
    Enjoy your day and new week!

  7. Farming is hard work when the weather is perfect. I hope they don’t have to dump the milk!

  8. This truly is a potential disaster and economic difficulty for the farmers. I am surprised about the problem of ice and snow on the roads. Do they not have equipment that can handle this? I did not know that Ireland's weather was that severe!

  9. ...hopefully the weather will improve soon.

  10. Yes, let's hope things will get better for them soon.

  11. Well, that's a sad story. I would never have thought of milk collection as a problem. But your weather has created havoc in your country. My grandmother ran a small dairy farm and milk collection was crucial. I hope solutions are found fast.

  12. Oh I really hope the weather improves before that happens Bill. Has the weather been this bad before, or is it getting colder each year?

  13. Oh my, I hadn't even thought about storm's effect on dairy farmers. I certainly hope the roads clear very quickly so the milk can be transported.

  14. The weather is affecting many over here too. Praying for all affected.

    God bless.

  15. Hopefully a turn in the weather helps.

  16. Never heard about that problem in ny area, but we are if course more used to cold and snowy Winters.

  17. I talked to a friend in England this afternoon and he had gone to the store for milk and there was none. The farmers have had to dump it since it couldn't be collected. Horrible.

  18. I hope this can be resolved. We had a similar situation a couple of years ago, during a snowstorm.

  19. I hope the snow goes away and the farmers don't have to dump their milk and the consumers have milk too

  20. Farming is such a difficult way to make a living.
