06 April, 2021


here yesterday, it didn't stay around for long.  It was a holiday, Easter Monday, so the street was pretty quiet.  The photo is of lower main street

looking toward upper main street


  1. Good catched. We have the same but I didn't get it so well as you.Great work but indeed very strange weather for the time of the year.

  2. Looks almost Christmassy with the bright red shop front.

  3. Oh this looks the same here, couldn't get a good picture of this weird weather, snow and hail play a game here. I thought we were in spring now.....

  4. Wow for the great photos and the fact that they show it snowing there! One year, on the first day of Spring, we had (light) snow here in Connecticut US. While we can get snow in March and April here, it is very rare.

  5. Hello,
    We had a half an inch of snow one day last week, it did melt quickly. I like the first shot, the red trim really stands out. Take care, have a happy day!

  6. It is very cold and windy here too.

    God bless.

  7. Nice, the streets as I got to know Ireland ... nice: -) ... well, without snow :-)) But with us it also snows into the spring flowers. We'll wait a bit, I'll look into my new book ... something to work with :-)
    Happy Tuesday greetings to you.

  8. ...... p.s. I also think of Christmas - when I see the photos - here with me the Easter eggs / 40 - 50 / hang out on the bush and they swing happily back and forth between the snowflakes :-))) HAPPILY DAY.

  9. So interesting. You never know what Mother Nature might bring. But none for us. It's already getting too warm for me. I've read some stories about pioneers visiting relatives for Easter and then getting caught in a blizzard. And we do have some freaky snowstorms some years, too. I think it snowed here off on til May last year..so it's always something to keep in mind.

  10. Mother Nature knows how to surprise!

  11. We are in April and still snowing.. World is changing.. Have a wonderful day 🙏 🤗

  12. Love those buildings. It is strange to see empty streets during the day.

  13. It sure looks pretty in the photos!

  14. aww...strange Spring....
    great captured.

  15. Lots of rapid changes with spring weather.

  16. Looks cold Bill, everyone is staying sensibly tucked up and cosy warm at home ☺️

  17. The good thing about spring snow is that it does not hang around for long. Fine street shots.

  18. We are having a heat wave and you have snow. We live in crazy times.

  19. Hello Bill, so you also got some snow showers in your country and yes we also here in the Netherlands and it was laso in germany and in Belgium. I hearing this from my other blogfriends. I read that this phenomenon occurs only once in 8 years and now it was so. And we got not only snow but also a lot of wind with it and a lot of hailstorms. Many people on the road were surprised by this and unfortunately there were many accidents. But the birds who were building nests were also surprised by this weather.

  20. I'm hoping that it doesn't come here. I will probably get my snow tires taken off the car next week and hope for the best!

  21. That was a surprise!! Looks pretty.

  22. Sigue la nieve por tu país, mientras que en mi ciudad tenemos temperaturas primaverales.

  23. Very nice photographs.

    We too experienced some light snow today, Tuesday, and the wind has been a cold one too.

    All the best Jan

  24. Boa tarde. Bill!
    Que arquitetura engraçada!
    Adoro as casinhas vermelhas!
    Um beijinho!
    Megy Maia💛😊💛

  25. Hermosa fotografía. Te mando un beso

  26. March and April months are so changable . Second picture is PERFECT!

  27. We have "more", even this morning roof opposite shows snow, we have 0C.

  28. oh gosh, looks bitterly cold there, hope you stayed warm.

  29. Replies
    1. It usually doesn't snow but then the weather is rather weird these days.
