22 October, 2020

working worms

saw this van when I was in Donegal Town a couple of months ago.  It reminded me of when we used to compost with worms for our garden. 


  1. I had a compost heap using worms years ago. Very efficient.

    God bless.

  2. Cute name, Bill! Thanks for the smile ��

  3. The humble worm is a very hard-working and essential part of our gardens. There used to be a maggot farm in Cambridgeshire, of which you would have soon been aware if you walked within a mile or so of it!

  4. The humble servants of nature.There must be something wrong when they are produced in a worm factory so to speak. I doubt that it will restore balance.

  5. I guess worms are a big business for various reasons. I know that fisherfolk around here buy them and sometimes you will see odd signs on a small stores, such as, "Fresh made sandwiches, milk Nd worms"! As long as the sandwiches don't give you worms!

  6. Nature's wonder fertilizer! _/\__/\__0>

  7. Great idea those worms, they certainly do a great job.

  8. Hello,

    That is an interesting business. Take care, wishing you a happy day!

  9. ...worm casts cost a fortune here!

  10. I've got worms. I've yet to harvest but will be doing so soon.

    Happy Thursday Bill.

  11. Good one.It's an eye catching sign.

  12. Cool photo...the way I see things, I have thought several other subject lines had said something about worms at different times lately. So it's good to see that I was actually reading this one right! I wonder how they make a profit...enough to have a nice van with a logo on the side.

  13. It's definitely a good sign when you spot worms in the garden Bill, they do indeed work ✨

  14. Worms do wonderful things for the soil, but had not realized someone could base a business on worms.

  15. Great work and good to see such services there.

  16. LOL-It made me think of The Geek Squad that takes care of computers. They are always talking about worms getting into the computer. lol xo Diana

  17. It is surprising that hey manage a business for worm composting but it is a good thing that they do. I remember years ago when people had little containers of worms which they fed to get compost but haven't thought of it in years.

  18. Funny!!Also the abbey behind!!Wish you a great evening!Stay safe!

  19. He utilizado muchos abonos naturales en mi planta, pero nunca a base de gusanos.

    He llenado los envases vacíos de la leche de agua y esa leche aue se peposita en la pared del envase mezclada con el agua, es un buen abono. para plantas.

    También los restos de café, cuando lo hago diariamente en mi cafetera, también de vez en cuando lo hecho en la macetas.

    Las cáscaras de huevos bien machadas, las revuelvo con la tierra cuando voy a poner una planta nueva.

    Aprovecho también el agua, cuando pongo en remojo las legumbres, para regar las plantas.

    Eso son algunas cosas que hago para tener mis plantas surtidas de abono,que yo recuerdo ahora.

  20. Worms are unmissable for the garden. I have never seen a supplier of worms though.

  21. Curious! Here composting is a provincial responsibility.

  22. That is funny! I do like worms, they are quite impressive little creatures :-)

  23. That's a sign you don't see every day. Great capture!

  24. No nonsense name for the company!

  25. Very good, Bill !.
    The job of cultivating worms, especially using a car to go to a location .. doesn't exist in my country yet.
