13 August, 2020


down in the car park which is not far from the water.  People are not happy with tourists coming in to town for their holiday during covid.  The infected numbers are beginning to increase..  Those campers are from Northen Ireland.


  1. Is it in Ireland permitted to camp on the public road?

    1. Camping is allowed on public roads but there are certain restrictions you have to follow. People who camp in this area usually stay for a night or two.

  2. Hello,
    The tourist are from Ireland? I would think it would be worse to let outsiders in like tourists from the USA. Take care and stay safe, enjoy your day!

    1. The tourists are from Northern Ireland and they follow the rules set by the UK government for the covid restrictions and they are different from ours. We have more restrictions.

    2. It would help, if the restrictions should be the same world wide.

  3. I bet the local merchants and campground owners are happy to see them,

  4. ...people aren't willing to stay put!

  5. 'Please stay home'... Town locals across Canada urge tourists not to visit. Same thing happening here.

  6. Hi Bill.

    Unfortunately Bill infections are on the rise.
    People want everything and everything has to make way for that.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  7. Unfortunately our local economy is dependent upon tourists. Summertime invites lots of groups and families to come to the mountains and shop the cute little places. I ate on a patio with a friend yesterday at a restaurant. We were pretty well spaced, but next to a table of 6 people not wearing masks while just talking...not even eating. We took off our masks to eat, then put them back on. It's a toss up of keeping a business going and taking precautions. The waitpersons were all masked, and disinfected the tables and chairs in between patrons.

  8. I hear ya. PEI opened to the rest of Atlantic Canada which also was Covid free. It was controversial here too but has been ok so far.

  9. Another example of lack of common sense. You can camp but is it the right thing to do.

  10. I miss traveling so much but I won't be doing it again until I'm sure it's safe.

  11. Welcome after!Here in Norway it is also increasing and they talk about going back to lockdown again.It is mostly the tourist bringing covid to our country sadly..and the young party party
    We are preparing for the second wave here around at my hospital

    Stay healthy !

  12. Bill, you are lucky to only have a few tourist come to your town. In four days we will have 12,000 university students come to our town. I expect high Covid virus infection rates as a result, and I just hope it does not kill university staff and faculty, but it is all about money.

  13. I can understand not being happy with tourists right now.

  14. It is a Catch 22 situation because the businesses need tourists but you don't want them bringing virus with them. It's a quandary for sure, Bill.

  15. Same here too. It’s worrying.

  16. We've got tourists causing issues here... Far too many of them for a rural area, parking anywhere (even blocking narrow lanes and roads), leaving litter behind etc. We welcome the tourists, but not like this. Plus if COVID cases rise, we don't have a general hospital in this area, we have to cross the Welsh/English border for that.

  17. I can't blame them. A major interstate is routed through our county, and you can follow its track on the state's COVID map--every county it passes through has well over 100 cases of the virus, whereas states not in the interstate's path have less than 50. Some even in single digits. I can track every other interstate highway the same way on the map, proof that it is travelers bringing the virus in with them.

  18. We have the same thing here. People coming to the lake on holiday.

  19. Same here, Auckland is under level 3 lockdown and yet people from that city have been fleeing to other cities, I don't know why they have to risk spreading it.

  20. We get so many tourists here during summer. So far, however, the covid cases we have here (which are rising) have come from locals who have partied (a large one) or family gatherings.

  21. In India most of the states have a system of E-pass that one has to obtain before any inter district/state travel which is granted only to those with some genuine reason to prevent tourism and spread of Covid19.

  22. Yes, it isn't the right time for encouraging tourism. Nice capture on the camping vehicles

  23. The nearest campgrounds to here are in outlying areas. I have no idea how busy they are these days.
