21 March, 2020

saturday critters

saw all these critters on a walk yesterday morning.  It was nice and quiet, we saw only four people which we passed and said hi.  We did see a few people talking and they were doing the social distance thing. 

this sheep had its own ball but he didn't want to play :)

this old lion didn't want to play ball either :)

so you're leaving, huh?  it's about time :)

to see other critters, visit viewingnaturewitheileen


  1. Sheep are funny aren't they? NZ is packed with them just about everywhere you look.

  2. Wonderful photos as ever, Bill.

    God bless.

  3. And that sheep doesn't even have to go to the grocery store.

  4. Yes, life has reduced to walking around and seeing sheep. The bad thing is I don't understand them when they are talking to me....:(

  5. … so glad the animals can't get Covid-19 ... they've suffered enough!
    Have a nice weekend, Bill!
    Stay save and healthy!

  6. I like sheep, we see a lot of them here.

  7. Hi Bill.

    Lovely shade on sheep Bill.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  8. Hello Bill, The sheep is cute, I like the statues too. Great collection of critters. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Stay safe, healthy and happy! Enjoy your day, happy weekend. PS, thanks so much for your visit and comment.

  9. Nice photoes!I had to laugh!!SMILE!!

    Thank you for this great moments this morning!

    I will look every day for Your uplifting post!
    Greetings Anita

  10. All undisturbed by world events. If only that could apply for all of us.

  11. I Love all three! Have a great Saturday, Bill! (Henry says "hi").

  12. I envy the animals who have no idea what is going on in the world right now.

  13. Wonderful photos Bill.
    Oh how I want that beautiful stone lions!
    To bad no one wanted to play with the ball.
    You and Shari stay safe 💮

  14. The sheep and the lion know - all football has been cancelled!

  15. ...they say the March comes in and goes out like a lamb or a lion!

  16. What a great post, Bill. You and your family be safe.

  17. Nice of these critters to pose for you !

  18. Hope you people out there are safe and continue to stay at peace! The sheep look stern and nice sculpture of lion and birds

  19. Bill, thank you for your comment on my b&w cactus post. They are saguaro cactus, and these are young ones. They grow much taller. Too bad the sheep did not want to play ball, but the lion did not want to share his ball. Enjoyed your comment on the bird sculpture.

  20. That is a fun post, Bill! Stay safe!

  21. Nobody wants to play right now! Come back later! heehee!

  22. Nice to see the sheep and the other critters as well.
    I didn't see anyone when I walked this morning and only a few cars!!

  23. Living in a small village makes it easy to avoid crowds.

  24. The sheep looks belligerent!

  25. It's getting quiet around here, too.
    Nice critters!

  26. It took me a sec to realise the birds were a sculpture Bill :)
