20 February, 2018

take it away

this skip was put there for a house that is being worked on and it's full.  If it's not picked up when it's full,  people will toss their trash in it until it overflows.  Most come at night to drop off their trash and bigger items such as mattresses or broken furniture,  The bottom line is they don't want to pay for trash removal but don't mind when someone else foots the bill.   In some remote areas this is a big problem with people creating dumping sites.  The other day it was mentioned that they are going to have drones fly over these areas to try and catch the people who are doing it.


  1. Hi Bill.

    A lot of work is being done there.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  2. Same problems here. They catch someone doing it from time to time but it doesn't seem to act as a deterrent.

  3. Now I know why there is no litter in the streets. :-)

  4. No greater pleasure then seeing people at work.

  5. I see the problem is viral, here people do the same. Dumping things on the streets.

  6. Why is there a net on the skip? To stop people taking the trash away?

    God bless.

    1. The net will prevent the debris from falling out when they take it away.

  7. Hello, I live in a rural area with forest all around many people think it is their dumping ground. It sickens me to see people throwing out their trash, dumping big items and their cigarettes. I have seen these dumpsters around houses that are being renovated, it is a easy way to take the trash away. Enjoy your day!

  8. The trash problem is similar here. I think it is more of a human problem. I don't subscribe to the concept of original sin, but we know from experience that there are lots of really bad guys out there and a lot of people lacking any sort of moral compass or ethical foundation, and have to sense of responsibility for the common good. Trump is a good example.

  9. A lovely wee back road near us is used for fly tipping & I hope the council uses drones to try to deter those using it as it spoils the areas natural beauty.

  10. When we did our renovation all kinds of people tried to fill our bin!

  11. I just read Lowell's comment and I don't think I could say it any better. We see this kind of thing here too!

  12. Interesting gizmo to load the trash on the truck.

  13. Isn't it interesting how people that would be so honest as to return a dime overpayment on something will think nothing of using someone else's dime to pay for trash? Sometimes people's moral compasses are set a bit off-kilter!!

  14. Hello Bill.
    Same problems here too!
    I find very interesting the drones flying over the areas and catch those who is doing this!
    Enjoy your evening!

  15. It happens everywhere I think Bill, it's amazing what some folk will do. It's a bit like littering, it drives me nuts ☺

  16. ...a bit different from the ones that we have here,

  17. Drones?! It is a serious problem then!!

  18. Drones are spying on us. Good grief!

  19. It amazes me what people do with their trash, I see stuff on the backroads sometimes. It seems ridiculous to me, but I guess some people have no decency or regard for others.

  20. Had one of those damage our house a few years ago

  21. The lifting device is a bit different from what we see here with these.

  22. Yeah people----what can ya do? Not nice

  23. I guess I should stop my nocturnal trash deposits, eh?

  24. People can be such slobs. Lowell's got it right. It would be a much better world if people began to contribute to the common good instead of a me/them mentality.

  25. Drones! My goodness, the world is changing so quickly!
