26 October, 2017

cash for clothes and gold

I once read a book that mentioned selling clothes in bulk to a buyer but never saw one until we passed this sign in Ballybofey and this guy was bringing in bags of clothes.   This business also buys gold.


  1. If those are bags of gold he's really in the money!

  2. I have never seen that before too. We have boxes in the street to put clothes in. Btw, the lamp you mentioned yesterday in my photo is a camera surveillance of the police. They hang all over the centre of Amsterdam for safety.

  3. ...here clothes are often donated.

  4. No doubt the guy is ripping people off

  5. I have seen similar shops in our town but I'm not sure who profits from these organisations.

  6. So what does he do with the clothes? I don't trust anyone buying gold. But clothes are even more suspicious. Oh, I know, there's a non-profit in New York run by a Trump surrogate; it has one employee and just got a 1/2 million dollar contract to provide clothing for certain African countries. (Nah, I just made that up, based upon a real situation running the same scam; only the real one is connected with the Interior guy, Zinke.)

  7. Usually clothes are donated here. Something off about that.

  8. I have never seen this before either.

  9. I wonder what they do with all those clothes. Gold can be easily resold. I wonder if the clothes are also resold.

  10. I usually donate my old clothes, but I guess this is a way to make some money for the business.

  11. I've never seen a cash for clothes either, Bill, until now!

  12. Bags and bags of gold! ;-)
    I think if clothes are in bad shape they are sold by the pound to big companies that use them for stuffing etc.

  13. Love the sign. Used Clothes and Gold...
    Used clothing stores (usually called Vintage, thrift, or Gently used) are a big thing right now. Well, at least they are here. Buy a kilo for 50c, then sell each item for about the same in a store. At least that is what they do in these parts. Sometimes people steal clothes out of the donation boxes, and then sell them.

  14. I give a lot of clothes to Goodwill. I wonder if I could manage to part with more if I could get a little something for it. Sometimes I need more incentive. I've sold some inherited gold jewelry in the last couple of months to help fund my photography upgrades.

  15. I know of and visited one of this boutiques a few years ago. They were paying cash for designer gently-used clothes, accessories and handbags. I remember seeing this dress (forgot the brand) with a $900+ price tag.
    : )

  16. That's not much of a price. Maybe sellers should sew pebbles inside the seams.
