24 May, 2020

painted roundabout

kind of strange, some people follow it while others just drive right through it.


  1. Its a kind of cheap solution.

  2. Yep ... we have them here too.

    God bless.

  3. Round and round we go. Where we stop nobody knows.

  4. Hello,
    The roundabout looks almost the size of a car, I can see why they would just drive through. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead.

  5. It was now for me
    it certainly works really well

  6. ...we are seeing more roundabouts here!

  7. Very small... people don't care...

  8. Hello Bill, I'd be to nervous to go right through it! I always follow the law. Thank you for your visits to my blog posts. I love your new header. Be safe. Jo

  9. I would probably obey and feel dumb at the same time!

  10. That's a scary way to manage traffic. Now if it was in Italy...

  11. I doubt if it would work here, too much traffic I think.

  12. We don't have many of those here but people here get so confused by them.

  13. Oh gosh, that would never work here. The only way those kind intersections work here is if there is some type of barrier keeping people from driving straight through.

  14. Cheap solution. Never seen before such kind of roundabout.

  15. There is a round about here that is misused but it is slightly elevated. That painted one wouldn’t work here I fear. Too bad too since it would be so much cheaper to install.

  16. Never saw one like that before. Don't think it would work here!!

  17. We have a few of those and so true!
    Some people follow it while others just drive right through it!

    All the best Jan

  18. I had never seen it before, At least some people follow it, but surely it will never work in India. . Bill You Have a Nice and Safe Day. . . :)

  19. Never seen a painted roundabout. Would have to approach this intersection with great caution.

  20. Strange indeed. Maybe an extra large rock in the center would stop the drive through=ers

  21. We have a few here. They are large, paved differently and have raised planters in the middle, impossible to ignore. People unaccustomed to them drive through them in total confusion.

  22. I´ve never seen a painted one!
    Coming from a long trip from Australia I once came to a roundabout in the middle of nowhere in Germany and seriously, no other car and I had no idea which direction to take, left - right?! It wouldn´t have mattered, but I really stopped and told myself.... "the middle of the steet is where your steering wheel is." So I turned right.
    In that case you show I´d probably just went straight, if no other car was there!
    There aren´t many roundabouts in Germany...

  23. The people who follow the rule will do it right

  24. Ha. We fill ours with tulips, makes it harder ro drive over them.

  25. I have never seen a roundabout like this circle. Most of the ones we’ve driven around have barriers to prevent a drive through. This one doesn’t seem that it would be taken seriously.
