24 February, 2020

welcome to dungloe

we are very glad to be done and sorted with our move.  After we got here, we have had some terrible weather with lots of rain, hail, winds and cold temps.  I took this welcoming photo yesterday on our walk to find the recycling center so we can bring our glass and tin cans there.  It was only a mile from our apartment.  It was nice to get out, the wind was cold and very strong alot colder than Killybegs.


  1. Welcome back to blogging Bill.
    I love your header photograph.
    Enjoy your new home, happy settling in and exploring :)

    All the best Jan

  2. I'm glad you are back, Bill!!
    Hope you like the new home.
    Anxious for the pictures you will be showing us!!

  3. ...Bill, you must be happy to finally be settled. I hate moving!

  4. I am looking forward to reading your observations of Dungloe and viewing your photos. Keep warm and dry.

  5. It should warm up as the seasons change. Hope you find this a wonderful place to live.

  6. Best wishes for life in your new home, Bill.

  7. Glad you are back - I've missed your posts of the green isle! I'm off to look up where Dungloe is in Ireland.

  8. Welcome back, pleased you a settled but not so pleased about your cold weather - that wind can chill you to the bone. Yes, we get it cold down here in winter but not like Ireland does.
    It's good you recycle but to walk a mile to do so is not so good. We have a recycle bin from our local council and a truck comes and collects it every two weeks, and every week for the normal garbage.

  9. You´re back and all fresh, too, great banner!
    And you manage to bring recycling and beauty together, my respect :-)
    "Only" a mile?! That stuff is a lot of weight! I am glad we have paper, plastic and bio right in front, only glass to carry.

    Many walks are great though, right - all the best for your new home, to nice neighbours and a cozy time!

  10. Welcome back, Bill!
    What a relief that everything is back in its place.
    Enjoy your new home!

  11. Hi Bill.

    Nice that you are online again.
    I wish you a very nice time in your new house.

    Greeting from Patricia.

  12. Hallo Bill, fijn weer iets van je te vernemen,Heb je blog en schrijven gemist hoor. Hoop dat alles goed verlopen is, nieuwe omgeving en nieuwe dingen. Ik hoop dat je daar een god verblijf heb en wens je veel goeds toe. Een mooi welkom. hoop nog veel foto's van je te zien.
    Groet Kees

  13. Hello, the welcome sign is pretty and what a lovely view. I would like to walk there. Enjoy your new place, welcome back. Wishing you a happy day!

  14. Good to see you back. A move must be very exhausting at our age, but glad to hear all went well and you feel happy there. The weather is awful everywhere, we are suffering the same never stopping rains and storms as you....:(

  15. Hello Bill, nice to hear and see from you again. The header is smashing and I hope that Dungloe is a great place to live.

  16. I will look forward to getting to know your new surroundings.

  17. Great to see you back in my computer this morning. Bloggers are becoming a rare breed, and I still enjoy the sharing everyday. I guess the people who have left are over on FB or one of the other social media.

  18. look like a nice place

    # glad that you are blogging back

  19. So glad things are all moved in and you're settled. I love the new picture at the top. That is beautiful. I love a cloudy, dark day.

  20. I hope you're enjoying your new digs, nice to see you back.

  21. Glad the move is all sorted out, and hope things will be settling down as packing and unpacking are real chores we all well know!

  22. Good to hear from you and glad that the move is all sorted.

  23. So nice to see you back again. Glad to hear you are settled in the new apartment.

  24. Welcome back! I wish the weather were more welcoming to you but I hope you enjoy living in Dungloe.

  25. Glad you settled at the new place and hope the move wasn't much difficult. Good to see you again Bill.
    Beautiful capture on the welcome sign of your town!

  26. Hi Bill, good to see you back. Looking forward to seeing more about Dungloe ✨

  27. Glad you are back. I like the welcome sign and your header is great.

  28. Welcome back to blogland, Bill,and sure you are still settling into your new place. Looking forward to seeing more photos from your new area and wondering how far it is from your previous lodging.

  29. All The Best In Dungloe My Man - Good Clean Living


  30. Hello Bill, the welcoming photo looks great, I hope the rest of the place looks as beautiful as in this glimpse! It is good to have to be in an eco friendly place with easy access to dispose old stuff, have a great weekend! In the meanwhile do share more of your exploration from the vicinity, would love to learn more of the place.

  31. Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures of the Dungloe town. The surrounding is very amiable. I am happy to see the cleanliness of the place and truly the recycle centers have a major role in it. This reminds me of the beautiful campus at a music Institute in Coimbatore were I go for my music classes.
