31 October, 2021

fall back

that time of year again, turning the clocks back an hour.


  1. This time change is not healthy.

  2. Daylight saving will occur here on Sunday, Nov. 7 at 2 a.m. local time. That's when people will turn their clocks back one hour. In the case of cellphones and computers, the time change will be done for you.

  3. Hello,
    I am not looking forward to the shorter daylight. We change our clocks next week.
    Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

  4. Hi Bill.

    What a nice clock this is.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  5. It amuses me when people say they are not looking forward to less daylight. There is no less day delight. If you really want to still enjoy it all adjust the time you get up along with the clock, or don't change your clock at all.

  6. The only reason they change the clocks is to annoy people. We've had the same clocks in our house for years. They still work OK.

    God bless.

  7. Interesting antique clock! Happy Sunday

  8. Oh..we have to wait til November now. It's awful dark here at 7:30.. When I was a kid we'd have such Halloween celebrations at a school carnival..the following day was like a hangover. Although, we didn't drink but just the cleanup was never ending. Also there was that time my mom ran over about a half a dozen of deer. My dad used most of the meat for the chili at the carnival and the rest that was mangled for his sheepdogs.

  9. Ours change next weekend. We are ahead behind the times…or behind…I don’t know which.

  10. Every year such a confusing morning, are we going backwards or forward?

  11. I don't like the change. I prefer the "real" time.

  12. Yep, getting to be that "time" here, too, although we're still a week away.

  13. Wonderful photo. We fall back here in the US next weekend.

  14. We luckily have another week of DST. It used to be before Halloween that we'd have the change, but someone decided to wait a week. It sure meant more joy for little kids trick or treating.

  15. I wish they would stop that!
    To us it´s but annoying, but families with young kids?!
    And it´s "from the past"...
    Ingo just said, too, he hates it. His body is sick and he needs to adjust. Stupid, I want summer-time forever!

  16. Yes, I will have to set back all my clocks and time pieces. They are everywhere.

  17. That will happen here next weekend and unfortunately means we will be resetting quite a lot of clocks and timepieces. Like some others who commented, I also wish this practice would be eliminated.

  18. Ticking Away The Moments That Make Up A Dull Day - PF


  19. Ours changes next week. I spoke to a friend in the UK this morning and he ended up at the grocery store an hour early this morning - forgot the time change.

  20. The days are getting shorter and i don't like it at all...

  21. I'm sorry because it's a beautiful watch...
    A very well placed photo - we will have a few days of uncomfortable adaptation.
    Have a good evening, Bill.

  22. Los relojes electrónicos se cambian automáticamente, aunque el del microondas , no se cambia a nos ser, que lo hagas manualmente. También he tenido que cambiar el reloj de cocina, el radiodespertador y por último el reloj grande, que hay en el salón....hoy ha sido esa mi distracción.

  23. Boa tarde Bill. Aqui adiantávamos os nossos relógios.

  24. I really like that clock, looks vintage or older. Saw your comment on my blog, actually I love the band Journey, Steve Perry use to have an amazing voice.

  25. We never change them here in Arizona so we don't have to worry about it.

  26. Here we dont change the time during the year! But iam not sure whether it is good for us or not. Nowadays, 07:00 am mornings are so dark.

  27. I like the clock.

    I wish they'd do away permanently with DST.

  28. Aqui adiantamos o relógio em 1 hora pra economizar energia,
    chamamos de horário de verão. Mas este ano não teve.


  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Aqui é a nossa famosa "hora nova ou horario de verão, que adiantamos uma hora em nossos relógios.

    Tenha um feliz mês de novembro.
    um abraço

  31. We don't have that! Time stays steady in our part of the world. 😉

  32. Yes 11 hours the difference to my time, we are ahead...love that clock.

  33. yes same here
    although they have said that we will remove this time change in the future

  34. A imagem está fantástica... mas não gosto mesmo nada deste horário de Inverno... os dias ficam tão pequenos!... :-(
    Um grande abraço!
