12 September, 2021

st. patrick's centre

it's Irish name is Ionad Naomh Pádraig.  You can see the centre in the background.

From the very first day of opening there has been a comprehensive framework of activities that presents the people of our community with every opportunity to participate more fully in community life and thus foster a deeper sense of identity. These user groups include primary and secondary school children, Pobal ar Aire, people with disabilities & learning difficulties, women and men’s groups, parents and toddlers & people with environmental interests. The facilities available for groups and businesses include a function hall, fully equipped with audio visual, projector and screen, IT Suite, Board Room, classrooms and meeting rooms.
They also provide facilities whereby local tutors rent space to provide a myriad of services, including danceclasses,Aerobics, Yoga, Tai Chi, Martial Arts, Drama Pilates, public discussions/debates on relevant issues.
Info courtesy of gaoth dobhair website


  1. Seems like the whole community is involved. Every town needs such a space. Perhaps members of the various groups come into contact with each other, thereby fostering understanding between them.

  2. Looks also a tribute to Clannad. Nice.

  3. Hello,
    The center sounds wonderful for the community, I love the sculptures outside!
    Have a great day and happy new week!

  4. Group is great! Just would like to see more than the 1 woman figure. Happy Sunday.

  5. I could fit right in with some of those groups. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Some very cool artists you have around. So great that the community is coming together this way.

  7. Hi Bill.

    That looks nice and inviting.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  8. Sounds like a great planned community centre! Beautiful and inviting musical sculptures... love it

  9. What lovely art in these sculptures. And Ionad Naomh Pádraig sounds like a good name instead of St. Patrick's Center...Irish should be embraced as you/they shake off the colonial grasp of the English. Is Irish the same as Gaelic?

  10. Que linda inspiração.
    Adorei conhecer!
    Obrigada por partilhar!
    Um grande abracinho!
    Megy Maia🌸🌹🌸

  11. It's very important to involve the communities.
    Beautiful sculptures.

  12. I like the quiet of that beach.

  13. Nadie se siente discrimminado y todos participan en la comunidad.

    Como buena amante de la música, me he sentido atraída por esas esculturas musicales.


  14. I see it's a sculpture of the band Clannad; Gweedore's most famous musical export to the wide world.

  15. Very clever orchestra. But the callers are so very skinny... hih

  16. Oi Bill! Gostei de saber que vc voltou ao blog,
    dei uma olhada nos posts que não tinha visto ainda.
    Linda a foto de abertura do seu blog.

    Boa semana! 😘🌺

  17. Love the statues. Such a nice looking place.

  18. That looks great. Quirky and cool at the same time :-D

  19. Lovely photo and sounds like a great place!
    How far away from your old house do you live now?

  20. A facility that has great positive management can do a community a lot of good.

  21. Uy genial lindo lugar. Te mando un beso

  22. Well, Bill, it is so nice to see you blogging again. I've been offline for over a week, too much veggies to put up, company coming, furniture to paint and so on. Life is back to something like normal again and I was so pleased to see your new posts. Can't wait to see more of your new home.

  23. The sculptures are great fun. I can almost hear their music.

  24. Adorei a imagem!!! um centro onde se promove a criatividade, imagino o quanto tal seja bastante enriquecedor para a comunidade... Adorei ver!
    Um grande abraço!

  25. It certainly seems that the whole community is involved ... excellent.

    All the best Jan
