19 February, 2016

St. Catherine’s Old Church and Burial Ground

The 11th stop on the Heritage Trail.  St. Catherine is the patron saint of seafarers.

The view from St. Catherine's Well
The ruined church which was founded in the 15th century as a Friary for the Franciscan Third Order (Regular). (built over an older 12th century church]. It was used by the Planters up until 1828.

Courtesy of the Maritime & Heritage Centre Brochure

 The entrance to the church and graveyard

St. Catherine's Church

Some of the old graves still standing.

One of the old graves.  The last burial in this cemetery was in 1902.


  1. There's something strangely beautiful in old cemeteries and ruins.

  2. Sad, We have to grove up only when we remember the our history. This is the key....

  3. The old church looks so tiny. It's hard to believe , for me, that congregations were so small way back when.

  4. It is lovely, even in ruins. I like wandering around old cemeteries.

  5. I love old graves- they are so pretty!

  6. What a fascinating place to visit Bill, a photographer's delight!

  7. Wonderful scenes! Quite evocative of a mysterious past.

  8. Oh brilliant. I love places like this.
