30 November, 2023

building renovation

 on main street, taking down the chimney.

29 November, 2023

christmas lights

being delivered to different spots on main st, they should be going up soon but things move slowly here

28 November, 2023

27 November, 2023

26 November, 2023

25 November, 2023

saturday critters

once again waiting for his human who is in the store.

24 November, 2023


 seagulls waiting for the ships to come in to the harbour in Killybgs

linking to skywatch

23 November, 2023

22 November, 2023


 a sign on the an post mailbox.

donegal rock candy

linking to Tom's signs2

21 November, 2023

have a seat

 and enjoy the day at the community green area.  It''s cool but very quiet and peaceful.

20 November, 2023

the bell

 outside the library.  The library used to be a church.

19 November, 2023

quiet and wet

on a Saturday morning.  The bunting hanging over the street is for the local Gaelic football team.  Next  weekend they will be in the quarter finals against Derry.

18 November, 2023

17 November, 2023


the sky on Wednesday late afternoon. 

linking to skywatch

16 November, 2023

15 November, 2023

14 November, 2023

13 November, 2023

12 November, 2023

little tree

 with only a few leaves left.

11 November, 2023

saturday critters

this little guy and his shadow came out of a driveway and started barking at me then he followed to make sure I left the area.  Keep right on walking, no tricks. :)

10 November, 2023

walking delivery

it's easier to walk to make his delivery rather than finding a parking space for his truck.

09 November, 2023

cleaning windows

in Dongeal Town, a few days ago

08 November, 2023


pay and display parking in Donegal Town.  Not all towns have these type of rules only the bigger towns do.

if  you don't have a ticket displayed in your car window, you'll be fined.  Fines run from €40-€80

linking to Tom's signs2

07 November, 2023

06 November, 2023


 a nice sight on an overcast day that's about to change.

04 November, 2023

saturday critters

 looking for the lunch

didn't find anything, so it's time to move on.

03 November, 2023


 the flag of donegal

linking to skywatch

02 November, 2023


returned to Mooney's boatyard for some maintenance.

01 November, 2023