31 March, 2023

public service building

in Dungloe.  The reflection caught my eye.

30 March, 2023


 down by the Dungloe River.

29 March, 2023


 old vintage signs seen in Killybegs.

linking to Tom's signs2

26 March, 2023

the old bank

another one bites the dust

25 March, 2023

saturday critters

 wanted to make sure that I continued on my way.

linking up with Eileen's critters

24 March, 2023

old and retired

 this old boat has seen better days.

21 March, 2023

shopping list

 someone left in their basket, hopefully they got everything.  It's interesting to see what people buy.

20 March, 2023

the rock

so glad someone identified it :)  

19 March, 2023


 a nice flower arrangement outside a business in Killybegs.

18 March, 2023

saturday critters

this little bird was making a lot of noise and it took me a while to find him.

linking to Eileen's critters

17 March, 2023

16 March, 2023

town centre

this is another area that is part of the regeneration scheme.  It is located right above where they are currently working.
If you are interested here is a link that explains what the project encompasses.

15 March, 2023


flower delivery for the flower shop.  Mothers' Day is this coming Sunday. 

some old vintage signs seen around town

linking to Tom's signs2

14 March, 2023

regeneration scheme

this area is going through a regeneration scheme.  It is located across the street from Killybegs harbour. 

13 March, 2023

12 March, 2023


reflection on the Owenea River taken from the Main Street bridge last week.

11 March, 2023

saturday critters

 no worries, I've got my stick.

linking to Eileen's critters

10 March, 2023


popping up last week.  Hopefully the cold weather doesn't kill them.  We had a bit of snow yesterday but it was much less than predicted.

09 March, 2023

brown hedges

 ready for a new season.

08 March, 2023


 Costcutter, proud to be local

security van

linking to Tom's signs2

07 March, 2023

installing a window

I happened to be walking down the street on my way to the fish store when I came across these workers.  It didn't take them long to complete this job.

Main St, Killybegs

06 March, 2023

monday mural

came across this old building on a walk.  It is no longer used for a recycling centre.  It doesn't look great but the mosaic must have looked pretty good when it was first used.

linking up with Sam's monday mural

04 March, 2023

saturday critters

 a cute little cat with a pretty face that lives nearby.

linking to Eileen's critters

03 March, 2023

01 March, 2023

march theme day - comfort food

Lasagna made in a slow cooker.  Have it for the holidays and for my birthday.  My favorite of all time!

homemade pizza, usually have this on fridays.

linking to cdp theme day