31 October, 2021

fall back

that time of year again, turning the clocks back an hour.

29 October, 2021


 this was yesterday's window reflection.

linking to skywatch

27 October, 2021


the coffee wasn't bad 

saw this ad on a bus in Galway.  Gum on the ground is a problem in the city.

linking up with Tom's signs2

24 October, 2021

before and after

Last week when we were in Dungloe, I noticed the tree was cut down and a new fence was added in the back.  The metal pole was still in place though.
photo taken April 8, 2020

Oct 19, 2021

22 October, 2021

21 October, 2021

Bank of Ireland

closed on Oct 8th in Dungloe along with 88 other branches around the country.  Now if you need access to the bank services, the bank has a contract with An Post to cover those services.  They even took the ATM machine out which people were not happy about.  There are a few machines in stores that people can access.  Just more aggravation for people.  I wonder what will now become of this empty building.

the bank with their name and atm machine

20 October, 2021

18 October, 2021


 no life left in this house.

17 October, 2021

Derrybeg Chapel

On the 15th August 1880 tragedy struck the parish of Gweedore, while parish priest Father James McFadden said Mass in a packed St Mary’s Chapel in Derrybeg. This is known in Gweedore as the great flood, while the Irish Times would describe the event as the Gweedore catastrophe.

16 October, 2021

saturday critters

this is Pearl, one of our cats when we lived in Alaska. 

linking up with Eileen's Saturday Critters

15 October, 2021

14 October, 2021

your move

 the no parking zone resembles a game board.

13 October, 2021


 nursery - next to the library for the wee ones.

gaeltacht radio - tune in and you can listen to the Irish language being spoken 24/7

community park

linking up with Tom's signs2

12 October, 2021

new window

replacing the cracked one.   

11 October, 2021

new lawn

 in less than a week with all the rain we're having.  

10 October, 2021

09 October, 2021

07 October, 2021


 we got a few rainbows this past week

linking to skywatch friday

06 October, 2021


road signs 


bouncy castle, someone is having a party

linking up with Tom's signs2

03 October, 2021

02 October, 2021

saturday critters

we passed these donkeys on our walk,  one was curious and the other one didn't care. :)

 linking to Eileen's saturday critters