30 April, 2019

irish coast guard

out in the harbour.  I don't know what they are doing but could be conducting a practice exercise.

29 April, 2019

28 April, 2019

27 April, 2019

saturday critters

seen while walking along the Bower's Walk in Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo
photos taken 16/05/14

to see other critters from around the globe, click HERE

26 April, 2019


a walk down the pier a couple of days ago.

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25 April, 2019

team work

weaving the rope on one of the ships docked at the pier. 

24 April, 2019


that the tourist season has begun. 
Saga Sapphire cruise ship,  the first of the season arrived yesterday with 600 tourists and 400 staff.  A couple of hundred more people and it would have doubled the population of Killybegs. 

tour buses are beginning to show up regularly now too. 

to see other signs from around the globe, click HERE

23 April, 2019


of St. Catherine’s Old Church and burial ground.  The church dates back to the 12th century and is the oldest man-made structure in the Killybegs area.

22 April, 2019

machine swap

programming the new petro machine at SuperValu

removing the old machine

21 April, 2019

plant man

selling outdoor plants and flowers at the market on Saturday.

20 April, 2019

saturday critters

Finn is ready for his walk, let's go people.

I know I saw something back there, really I did.

I want to go in to the store too, at least this wall allows me to keep him in view.

I'm exhausted and too tired to continue, let's head home.

Happy Easter from the Killybegs resident bunny.

to see more critters from around the globe, click HERE

19 April, 2019


a homey wee cottage that I pass on my walks

to see other skies from around the globe, click HERE

18 April, 2019

the last task

of the day, sorting the fishing net
date:  12/04/19
time:  18:30

17 April, 2019

blue and yellow

I wonder if there is anything in the container.

16 April, 2019


Letterkenny and Donegal's newest coffee house.  It opened this past December and the store will also implement the popular book swap system, customers can take a book away and all they have to do is leave a book.  We didn't stop by but the next visit we will be checking it out

15 April, 2019

monday mural - the butcher

couldn't find any info on this mural

seen on church lane
cathedral district
letterkenny, co. donegal

to see other murals from around the globe, click HERE

14 April, 2019

wrapping it up

pallets of boxed fish getting ready to be transported to cold storage.

13 April, 2019

saturday critters

critters I see on my walks

to see other critters from around the globe, click HERE

12 April, 2019


Letterkenny Institute of Technology is the only college in Ireland with a Wind Turbine Training Tower.  It is located at the Wind Energy Centre in Killybegs.

to see other skies from around the globe, click HERE

11 April, 2019

10 April, 2019


the welcoming sign to Oranmore Village, co. Galway.

to see other signs from around the globe, click HERE

09 April, 2019

ATM machine madness

listening to the radio today a  news bulletin had the story of another ATM robbery in Northern Ireland.  In these cases the ATM machine itself was taken, ripped from the building.  The robbers are using a digger to accomplish their task.  They alao had a van with a hole in the roof to put the ATM in and drive away.  This was the eighth ATM robbery this year and it took only four minutes.  You would think someone would hear this noise in the early hours of the morning.
Not all ATM's are located outside the bank they belong to like this one in Killybegs.

You can see the story and video HERE (Courtesy of the RTE)

08 April, 2019

monday mural

As part of the 2017 Culture Night celebrations, Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter will be unveiling two murals of the former residents of No. 1 Church Lane - John and Gerard Crerand.
As the group celebrates these two well-known figures, they are calling on former paperboys and former learner drivers from the town first driving school "Letterkenny School of Motoring" to join them  The Cathedral Quarter would love to hear from anyone who has memories or stories.

Info courtesy of Donegal Now

John Crerand

Gerard Crecand

No. 1 Church Lane
to see other murals from around the globe visit Sami's Colourful World

07 April, 2019

weekend reflections

Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) in Killybegs is reflected in the window.

to see other reflections from around the globe, click here

06 April, 2019

saturday critters

 seagulls and a couple of swans hanging out in the harbour

the next two photos are the same birds, different perspective

these swans are further down at the other end of the harbour

to see other critters from around the globe, click here

05 April, 2019

butcher shops

there used to be three and now there's one.  This butcher passed away and his family ran it for a year or two.  They closed the shop at the end of last year.

04 April, 2019

seagull decoy

in the harbour.  I don't know why there would be a decoy, maybe it floated in on the tide.

03 April, 2019

weird weather

yesterday started out sunny, then the rain bucketed down, then topped off with some snow and hail.  Spring is confused.

02 April, 2019

river eske

is a river in the northwest of Ireland in County Donegal in Ulster, beginning at Lough Eske in southeast County Donegal before flowing mainly westwards to the town of Donegal and into the Atlantic via Donegal Bay. Donegal Town is the only major settlement through which it flows
Info courtesy of Wikipedia

01 April, 2019

cdp theme day - yellow

yellow man, a pedestrian safety walkway sign

to see other citydailyphoto theme day entries for yellow, click here